May 28, 2019: Seventh Chapter Meeting (last one) RVHS Key Club May 28, 2019: Seventh Chapter Meeting (last one) Get your t-shirts & turn in your hour logs!
Key Club Pledge “ I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.”
Upcoming Opportunities Belmont Station Elementary’s Spring Carnival (Friday, May 31st, 4-7PM) Superhero 5K & Kids Fun Run (Sunday, June 2nd) Look out for more summer opportunities (they would be sent out through our remind! Make sure you still stay signed up!) Remind 101 “@rvhkeyclub” to 81010 or link is on website
Have you checked out opportunities on the website Have you checked out opportunities on the website? (DO THIS DURING THE SUMMER TOO!)
Summer Expectations… Continue volunteering! Feel free to share ideas/events with Mrs. Papaleo and she will share with the club via Remind You can fill out/print a log from the club website if needed (you can use your volunteer hours from this summer for the next school year) Think about how this year went – are you ready to make next year even better?! Then we hope to see you continue being a member in the fall. Need to prioritize your activities? We get it.. Do not feel pressure to continue being a member if it’s too much. If we do send out any events, specifically at Riverside in July/August please try to make it
Reminder! Make sure to turn in your semester 2 hour logs after the meeting! We will be checking them, so tell your friends who are members to turn them into Mrs. Papaleo!
T-shirts! They have arrived! We have a list of those who have paid already, if you want one, they are $15! And any seniors who haven’t picked up a Cord for Graduation – they are in!
Thank you! From all of the officers, Thank you to our members and wonderful sponsor, Mrs. Papaleo for an awesome year! We couldn’t have done it without you! Let’s look forward to next year!
How you thought this year went… Please fill out this google form (through the QR code or take a picture of the link) so that our officers can improve our club for next year!