ME-GI Fuel Gas Supply GO BU-L Seminar 26th February 2013 4/1/2017 GO BU-L Seminar 26th February 2013 [Optional Footer]
Comparison of FGS System Reliquifaction capability Expected Application 1. Cryo pump Separate BOG handling required All vessels except LNG Carrier 2. Cryo pump & reliq 100% LNG Carrier 3. Compressor Separate BOG handling required OR 15-25% of LNG flow to ME with basic partial reliq system possible OR Up to 100% reliq possible with cascade or brayton cycle Title
ME-GI FGS Specification Control of Gas Delivery Pressure General Data for Gas Delivery Condition: Pressure: Nominal at 100% load 300 bar Max. value for design 315 bar Set point tolerance (dynamic) ± 5% Set point tolerance (static) ± 1% Temperature: 45oC ± 10 oC Quality: Condensate free, without oil/water droplets or mist, similar to the PNEUROP recommendation 6611 ‘Air Turbines’
ME-GI 7 FGS System Suppliers Cryostar LNG Pump System DSME LNG Tank & Pump System Hamworthy LNG Tank & Pump System TGE LNG Tank & Pump System Burckhardt Compression Laby-GI Compressor MHI LNG Tank & Pump System HHI LNG Tank & Pump System
Comparison of FGS System Reliquifaction capability Expected Application 1. Cryo pump Separate BOG handling required All vessels except LNG Carrier Title
1. High Pressure Cryogenic Pump Approx 0.5% of main engine power required for electrical power Requires glycol water system for heating LNG in vaporiser , and steam consumption
DSME HP Pump FGS for Diesel Research Centre
HHI HiGAS for 7S80ME-C8.2-GI at test bed Prototype Hi-GAS Title
MHI Developed for MHI HP DF engine Title
Cryostar HP Pump & Vaporiser High-pressure pump HPP3 60/110 Triplex Title
FGS from TGE Two-stroke Main Engine and DF GenSets < 11 >
Energy Consumption Power = flow x pressure / efficiency 66MW example: Gas fuel cons. Kg/h FGS est. electrical requirement (kWe) 9333 367 8792 346 8250 324 7750 305 7250 285 6750 265 6292 247 …. Title
CAPEX – FGS Quotations 1-Apr-17 MFA/LEE4 2012.11.12 [Optional entry]
Comparison of FGS System Reliquifaction capability Expected Application 1. Cryo pump Separate BOG handling required All vessels except LNG Carrier 2. Cryo pump & reliq 100% LNG Carrier 3. Compressor Separate BOG handling required OR 15-25% of LNG flow to ME with basic partial reliq system possible OR Up to 100% reliq possible with cascade or brayton cycle Title
BOG handling on LNG Carrier with ME-GI ME-GI can be applied with: 100% reliquefaction system, partial reliquefaction system, no reliquefaction system at all Selection of a reliquefaction system is typically dependent on vessel requirements with regards to: Sailing profile Proportion of time with HFO or Gas operation Amount of BOG produced from cargo tanks Value of BOG and/or LNG …and not a requirement of ME-GI
2. HP Pump Solution with 100% reliquefaction
3. High Pressure Compressor without reliquefaction
Burckhardt Laby®-GI Fuel Gas Compressor Type 6LP250-5S Combining LNG BOG and high pressure process compression technology Optimal selection of compressor sealing system Fully balanced, single casing, slow speed vertical frame design Gas-tight compressor casing Labyrinth 1st stage Ring sealed 4th to 5th stage Labyrinth 1st to 3rd stage Balancing weights Laby®-GI < 18 >
HP Compressor Solution with partial reliquefaction 1-Apr-17 [Optional entry]
HP Compressor Solution with reliquefaction Cascade Process from TGE Ethylen & Propylen cycles Brayton Process Nitrogen cycle Title
LNG Carrier FGS solutions HP Compressor only HP Compressor with partial reliq (30% maX) HP Compressor with partial reliq (40%) HP Compressor with full reliq HP Pump with reliq system Power at 100% M/E load (kW) 955 2540 3300 ? 2000 First cost(USD) 7.6M 10M 13.2M 15.5M Includes 100% redundancy in all cases
HP compressor and HP pump with partial reliquefaction
Thank You for Your Attention ! All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially specific site and operational conditions. 1