Erasmus+ Project Rights at Work, Work on Rights KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Capacity Building in the field of Youth
About the project 10 partners 6 countries 4 trade unions 5 youth organizations 1 university
About the project Rights at Work, Work on Rights is the project envisaged as combination of awareness raising and educational activities, aimed at improving knowledge and information of young workers on their labour rights, so they can work in fair, just and decent working conditions, being fully aware of these rights and exercising them. Our intention is to help them develop variety of skills, as well as self- confidence in order to help them create better perspectives in their lives. The project should result in sustainable model that can be replicated all over again as part of regular extracurricular educational activities of young workers once they enter the labour market, in cooperation with trade unions and relevant institutions.
Aims and objectives Raising awareness and support the protection of the labor rights of young employees by joint effort and work of representatives of different sectors Support the prevention of mobbing, bossing and other relevant threats that young and thus inexperienced workers face Enhance specific competences (all levels - knowledge, skills and attitudes) in respecting rights of young people in the labor market Valuable sharing of experience, knowledge and skills mainly between the trade union sector and youth work Equip 24 young trade union educators to spread knowledge and act as “agents of changes” Develop sustainable and replicable model to be implemented in other countries
Activities Regular meetings of the consortium Youth survey “Are you familiar with your labour rights” (February-March 2019) 200 young workers per country in-depth examination of young workers’ familiarity with their labour rights and compering among countries Awareness raising campaign (March-April 2019) presentation of obtained data (statistics) from the survey and announcing future activities in relation to the topic
Activities 6-day training for 24 educators from participant countries (May/June 2019) get deeper overview of the topic and start acting as “agents of changes” in their own communities Local activities workshops and interactive local activities in countries involved (till September 2019) implemented by educators that passed the initial training, in coordination with the consortium for cascade transfer of knowledge and information to young workers Final conference (December 2019) as international 2-day event aimed at gathering of different stakeholders of importance for the topic
Follow up activities bringing back the conclusions to the national level, so each partner can decide on its follow up activities in the national context and the ones to be implemented jointly as the consortium Joint preparation of video clips with answers to the frequently asked questions regarding the labor law for further dissemination preparation of the follow up plan and final reports for both internal and external purposes
Partners Slovakia YouthWatch SERBIA Trade Union of Administration of the Republic of Serbia Development Center for Youth, project coordinator Macedonia Trade Union of UPOZ The Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA
Partners Montenegro Trade Union of Administration and Justice Budva Foundation Bosnia and Herzegovina Trade Union of Administration of Republika Srpska Citizens’ Association Trade Union Education Center CROATIA University of Rijeka - Center for Advanced Studies for SEE