Millwood Knights 2019 COURSE SELECTION A-L- Ms. Bowes M-Z- Ms. Lovett
Student Services/Guidance Career & Academic Counselling Confidential Personal Counselling Connections to school and to Community Supports MHS Guidance Website MHS Guidance Twitter @MHSGuidance11
Family Information Night This information will be available for families at an information session on Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 6pm in the cafeteria Students are welcome to attend with families
Course Selection Process and Course Selection Book All of the information we are sharing today is found in our course selection book. Students and Families are asked to review this document. Students MUST read all course descriptions to assist in selecting appropriate courses
Semesters and Timetable Semester 1 September - January Semester 2 February - June 4 day cycle with 4 – 75min Periods 1,2,3,4 All courses are ½ year except academic Math 10 which is full year. Being Successful Includes… Regular attendance! Complete ALL assignments! ‘Study/Review’ nightly
HRSB High School Graduates Students are expected to take: 8 courses in grade 10 *Only 7 grade 10 level credits count towards graduation* 7 courses in grade 11 6 courses in grade 12 *Must have 5 ACADEMIC Gr. 12 level courses to graduate* For a total of 21 credits
Graduation Requirements 18 credits to graduate 1 Physical Education 1 Fine Arts 1 “other” credits from Technology, Math, or Science 3 English 3 Math 2 Science 1 Canadian Studies 1 Global Studies maximum 7 Grade 10 credits / minimum 5 Grade 12 credits
Course Load Pick courses for both semesters Grade 10 students will pick 8 Courses and 2 alternates Grade 11 students will pick 7 Courses and 2 alternates Grade 12 students will pick 6 Courses and 2 alternates Pick courses for both semesters Course changes in September are only done to correct errors- so choose wisely!
Course Types ACADEMIC- Students typically need 5 academic credits for University admissions ADVANCED (ADV) ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) English 12 AP GRADUATION OPEN All course types are indicated with course descriptions in the course selection book
Selecting Courses All students should use course builder sheets to ensure they are choosing the courses that lead to graduation. If a student has failed a course that is required for graduation they must re-take the course or an alternate that meets the same requirement.
Selecting Courses Cont… We cannot stress enough: The course selection book is attached to the Millwood Guidance Website. Course descriptions are found in this book- students MUST read course descriptions before selecting courses. Course builder sheets can also be printed from the course selection book or can be picked up from the Guidance office.
Resource and Learning Centre Students with adaptations and IPPs should get input on their course selections from their support teachers
Grade 9 Course Selections Guidance Counsellors and our school Registrar will be visiting grade 9 math classes from February 25th-27th to assist all grade 9s with entering their course requests in PowerSchool. Students should have their course builder sheets completed before this time. Please ensure you have a computer login and PowerSchool login.
Grade 10-11 Course Selection Grade 10 and 11 students who would like assistance in registering for classes are invited to attend support sessions taking place at the back of the library during lunch from February 13-22. Students should bring their completed course builder sheets. Students are also welcome to enter their course requests from home. All requests must be entered by February 28th. Students and parents can log in any time before February 28th and change requests that were made.
Individual Student Meetings After February 28th, Guidance Counsellors will begin meeting with students to review course requests. A ‘Course Request Verification’ form will be sent home for families to review, sign and return to the guidance office. If there are adjustments that need to be made to course requests, parents can write a note on this form. The student meeting process does take about 5-6 weeks so students do not need to worry if it seems to be taking a long time to have their meeting.
FINE TUNE YOUR SELECTION How do I decide which electives to take? How do I decide what level of course to take? Check out College / University requirements Read Course Descriptions in Course Booklet Talk with your Counsellor / Teacher/ Family
Keeping Track… Keep track of your credits!!!!!!!!!!! What do you have? What do you still need? Students and parents should always know the credit status. It is your responsibility!!!! BUT the Guidance Counsellors help you to keep on track for graduation when you meet with them to choose courses each year.
The Grade Ten Year (English Program) Students entering grade 10 are required to select 8 courses from the following: 1 English 10 1 Mathematics 10 (Essentials, At Work, or Academic) 1 Science 10 1 Physical Education (Physical Education11, Dance 11, Yoga 11, Physically Active Living 11) 1 Fine Arts (10 or 11) (Visual Arts 10, Drama 10, Instrumental Music 10, Vocal Music 10, Dance11) 2-3 Electives See Course Selection Book. Please note: at least one selection must be a grade 11 course *Instrumental Music is attended off the schedule two mornings per week
FRENCH IMMERSION Open to students continuing on from the grade 9 FI program Those who successfully complete the program receive a special certificate along with the regular graduation diploma. The requirement for the certificate is the completion of at least 9 credits in French, including 3 credits in French Language Arts (Français) and at least 2 credits in French per school year. You must take all of the credits offered in French If a student wants to come out of the French Immersion program in grade 10, 11, or 12 a parent/guardian must contact the student’s Guidance Counsellor by phone or email.
The Grade Ten French Immersion Year Students entering grade 10 are required to select 8 courses from the following: 1 English 10 1 Mathematics 10 (Essentials, At Work, or Academic) 1 Sciences Sciences 10 IMM 1 Fine Arts 10 Art Dramitique Histoire 10 IMM Français 10 IMM 1 Physical Education Physical Education10, Dance 11, Yoga 11, Physically Active Living 11
Mathematics- Grade 10 Required to take one of the following: Math 10 Essentials (Graduation) Math 10 At Work (Graduation) Math 10 (Academic- 2 credits)
MATH- Grade 10 Recommendations Math Course Recommendations are based on the following: → previous achievement and recommendation from Grade 9 Math teacher → interest → attitude → ability to work independently → work habits → future plans → appropriate level of challenge of the course A letter was sent home last week with math recommendations. Recommendations are made in the best interests of students. Doing well in the appropriate course gives students many more options than struggling through an inappropriate course level. Grade 9 students will automatically be registered in their recommended Math Class. If parents wish to further discuss your students math recommendation, please contact the teacher.
Extended Mathematics 11 Extended Mathematics 11 (academic, 2 credits) Prerequisite: Successful completion of Mathematics 10. Extended Mathematics 11 is a 220-hour course that is scheduled over the duration of the school year, September to June. Students who successfully complete this course will receive one grade 11 academic mathematics credit and one grade 11 technology credit. It is not possible to take this course and Pre-Calculus Math More information can be found in the course selection book
COOPERATIVE EDUCATION 11 and 12 Students earn an Academic High School credit by completing a 25 Hour Classroom Component and a 100 Hour work placement. Students must be 16 to participate in Co-op Students can complete multiple Co-op Credits. Students must complete an application form and participate in an interview with the Co-op Coordinator. Placements have included physiotherapy clinics, trades, armed forces, banks, retail management, classrooms, service industry, etc. For more information, see Mr. Jakeman-
Special Programs (application required) O2 is a three year program that will help you as you work towards a career or occupation by linking what is being learned in school to the community and workplace O2 Coordinator is Mr. Shaw He will be visiting classes in the near future He will hand out applications and those who submit an application will be contacted for an interview.
Advanced Placement Advanced Placement classes strive to prepare students for University level work. Students can potentially earn University level credits and/ or recognition. Currently available English 12 Students should prepare for English 12 AP by taking English 11 Advanced
DID YOU KNOW? Students SHOULD apply to NSCC in their grade 11 year. All programs at NSCC are offered on a first apply- first accepted basis. Review the NSCC website for a list of courses available as well as admissions requirements Students who delay applying may be wait-listed. Students applying to University may do so in their grade 12 year. It is never to early to start looking at programs offered at Post Secondary schools and generate a list of programs that are interesting to you. You can always share your list with your Counsellor.
What next? If you have questions- talk to your teachers or Guidance Counsellor. Visit myBlueprint found in GNSPES and complete career quizzes Begin to visit post secondary school websites to check out program offerings. Follow us on Twitter! @MHSGuidance11
Questions and Answers