Achieving the College Mission: Strategic Educational Master Plan Progress & Effort Presented To: College Planning Council By: Office of Institutional Effectiveness 27 June 2016
The Harbor College Mission: Los Angeles Harbor College promotes access and student success through associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic and workforce development, and basic skills instruction. Our educational programs and support services meet the needs of diverse communities as measured by campus institutional learning outcomes.
Background SEMP articulates the college mission Achievement of the SEMP = Achievement of the college mission SEMP Revised Summer 2015 Aligned with District Strategic Plan (being renewed this year) Includes measures defined by District, State, Legislative and Federal requirements Revisions adopted July 2015 SEMP Provides Foundation for Planning and Evaluation Efforts Basis for Program Review and Unit Planning Includes measures for Institution-set Standards and Targets (ACCJC and IEPI)
Progress toward SEMP implementation Program Review 2.0/Unit Planning Pilot completed, Fall 2015 All clusters participated Unit planning process recommendations identified and approved Institution-set standards for student achievement established College-wide Unit Planning process initiated, Spring 2016 All clusters and units participating Completion requirements defined and approved Validation cycle pending Resource allocation link pending HAPS records all Assessment and Unit Planning results Student Achievement Short and Long-term Goals established (IEPI)
CPC Responsibilities Annually: SEMP Cycle (2014-17): Oversee and maintain SEMP Oversee planning processes Integrate cluster and unit priorities to develop annual priorities for the college based on achievement of the SEMP Use Annual priorities to guide resource allocation processes SEMP Cycle (2014-17): Evaluate achievement of the college mission Renew SEMP based on college progress (annual reviews, external priorities) Identify goals, objectives and measures to add or remove
Mission/SEMP Achievement Evaluation Framework Coverage Are all Goals, Objectives and Measures addressed? Is the amount of coverage appropriate? Effort/Participation Are all Operational Units of the college participating? Are Operational Units participating appropriately? Progress Are the activities to address SEMP goals being completed?
SEMP Achievement Measurement Methodology HAPS Records Unit Plans and Outcome Assessment Activities Program Review/Unit Planning process results provide the data Validation process not yet complete TO DO: Integrate program review, unit planning and resource allocation processes All results are self-reported Units create and update activities documented in HAPS Data will change over time Results are a “snapshot” in time (June 23, 2016) Numbers will change; percentages are used to “normalize” changing numbers The goal is to complete all activities by the end of the SEMP cycle (2014-17)
SEMP Coverage Results Institutional Outcome: Activity Count Activity Percent Goal 1: Access and Preparation for Success 52 14% Goal 2: Teaching and Learning for Success 245 68% Goal 3: Organizational Effectiveness 16 4% Goal 4: Resources and Collaboration 26 7% Other Requirement 21 6% Grand Total 360 100%
SEMP Coverage Evaluation Is the coverage appropriate? Are there any recommendations?
College Effort/Participation Results Academic Affairs Administrative Services Student Services SEMP Goals: Count Percent Total Total Goal 1: Access and Preparation for Success 16 31% 0% 36 69% 52 100% Goal 2: Teaching and Learning for Success 193 79% 2 1% 50 20% 245 Goal 3: Organizational Effectiveness 11 3 19% 13% Goal 4: Resources and Collaboration 8% 19 73% 5 26 Other Requirement 52% 6 29% 4 21 Grand Total 233 65% 30 97 27% 360
College Effort/Participation Evaluation Is the college effort/participation appropriate? Are there any recommendations?
SEMP Progress Results 26% Goal 1: Access and Preparation for Success 100% Complete < 75% Complete < 50% Complete < 25% Complete Started Not Started (blank) Grand Total Goal 1: Access and Preparation for Success 10% 19% 21% 12% 6% 100% Academic Affairs 25% 0% 31% 13% Student Services 3% 28% 14% Goal 2: Teaching and Learning for Success 7% 2% 36% 29% 4% 1% 5% 11% 45% Administrative Services 50% 20% 30% 8% Goal 3: Organizational Effectiveness 38% 9% 27% 18% 33% Goal 4: Resources and Collaboration 23% 15% 16% 32% 40% Other Requirement 24% 17% 26%
SEMP Progress Evaluation Is the progress appropriate? Are there any recommendations?
CPC 2016-17 Priorities In 2015-16, the college elected to make COMPLETION (Goal 2) a priority Reviewing 2015-16 Results: Was this priority achieved? Were there any goals or objectives that did not have enough coverage? Were there any goals or objectives that did not have enough effort/participation? Were there any goals or objectives that did not have enough progress? Establishing 2016-17 Priorities Used to make resource allocation decisions What will be the priorities for 2016-17?