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Presentation transcript:

Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Compare the following characteristics: Type of Government Title of Leader Type of Legislature Role of Citizen Personal Freedoms Iran

Iran Israel Saudi Arabia 1. Parliamentary Democracy 1. Absolute Monarchy 2. Prime Minister 2. King 3. Knesset (Parliament) 3. Consultative Council (Appointed by the king) 4. All citizens over the age of 18 can vote 4. Men over 21 can vote for some officials 5. Equal rights for men and women 5. Criticism of government not allowed 5. Freedom of speech and press Unitary 5. Criticism of government is allowed Legislative Branch 5. Strict religious and social rules Middle East Follow strict religious and social rules All citizens vote Criticism of government not allowed President (Not much power) 1. Theocracy 2. Ayattolah - Supreme Leader Compare the following characteristics: 1. Type of Government 2. Title of Leader 3. Type of Legislature 4 .Role of Citizen 5. Personal Freedoms 3. Islamic Consultative Council 4. All citizens over 16 can vote for leaders (Not Ayattolah) 5. Criticism of government not allowed 5. Strict religious and social rules Iran