Quick Review for Mid-Term Examination HNRS 228 - Astrobiology Prof. Geller
Overview of Chapter 1 Life Elsewhere Worlds Beyond Imagination distances between worlds distances between stars communications between star systems Stuff of Life birth and death of stars and planets origin of the chemical elements chemistry review formation of solar system other solar systems
Overview of Chapter 2 Roots of science Copernican Revolution Greeks and Geocentrism Copernican Revolution Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler, Galileo, Newton Nature of Modern Science What you think you know
Overview of Chapter 3 What is Life Cells: The basic units of life Its properties, evolution and definition Cells: The basic units of life Structure, composition, prokaryotes, eukaryotes Metabolism: The chemistry of life Energy needs and sources; water DNA and Heredity Structure, replication, genetic code Life at the Extremes Extremophiles and their implications
Chapter 4 - Rocks How geologists tell apart different minerals and rocks color, luster, texture hardness test scratching one against another diamond is hardest acid test using weak hydrochloric acid to streak test form a streak across a ceramic tile
Chapter 4 - Geologic Time Fossilization “Reading the Rocks” principle of uniformity principle of original horizontality principle of superposition principle of crosscutting relationships principle of faunal succession radiometric dating Geologic Time Scale
Chapter 4 - Geologic Time
Chapter 5 - Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth Searching for the origin Functional beginnings of life From chemistry to biology at the molecular level Prokaryotes and oxygen Eukaryotes and explosion of diversity Mass extinctions, asteroids and climate change Evolutions of humans Conclusions
Density vs. Temperature (water)
Biochemical Pathways
Chemical Beginnings
Molecular Features of Living Systems (continued) DNA m-RNA t-RNA Polypeptide Functional Protein Transcription Translation Translation/Genetic Code Conformation
Taylor Hierarchy of Life Community Population Organism Organ Tissue Cell Organelles Macromolecules Atoms
Taylor Hierarchy of Ecology Earth Biosphere Biome Ecosystem Community Population Organisms
Chapter 6 - Searching the Solar System for Life Review Requirements for Life Searching for Life in Our Solar System Exploring the Solar System remotely from Earth or spacecraft, landers on surface, human exploration Biological Tour of the Solar System
Sample Phase Diagram
Nebular Condensation Chemistry
Planetary Summary