Enrollment Management ― Data and Emerging Trends & Policies Philip Ballinger, Associate Vice Provost for Enrollment Management February 6, 2018
unduplicated census day headcount – seattle campus
unduplicated census day headcount and degrees granted – by college
arts & sciences
unduplicated census day headcount – by department
a&s humanities division examples
a&s social sciences division examples
a&s natural sciences division examples
computer science & informatics examples
freshman applications – seattle campus
Freshman admission application information ―major requested
2. Data management systems and tools Elements of a System-Level Enrollment Plan 1. Policy development 2. Data management systems and tools 3. Programmatic development in academic units 4. Communication and Marketing 38
Non-traditional credit sources
SEATTLE ― Non-traditional Credit Sources Summer 2016 – Spring 2017 Type of Credit Program Number of Students Awarded Number of Quarter Credits Awarded Testing Advanced Placement (AP) 3,694 83,511 International Baccalaureate (IB) 542 13,330 Cambridge A-Level Examinations 78 3,622.5 College Level Exam Program (CLEP)* Extra-institutional Learning American Council of Education (ACE) (military course completions) 27 424.5 Individual Industry Cert (e.g. NCLEX-RN)** Course Challenges Credit by Exam 7 135 COMBINED TOTAL All Non-traditional Student and Credit Sources 4,348 101,023 This credit comes from all entering students, not limited to freshmen. I don’t have a breakdown, but my assumption is that most AP/IB are coming from new freshmen. Student headcount could include some duplicates across credit types. * Tacoma campus only ** Bothell and Tacoma campuses only 40
SEATTLE ― Freshman Entrants with Washington Community College Transfer Credit UW Freshman Entrants 2015-2016 Total # of Freshman Entrants with WA CC transfer credits: 1,349 Total # of WA CC credits transferred: 75,390 2016-2017 Total # of Freshman Entrants with WA CC transfer credits: 1,360 Total # of WA CC credits transferred: 79,556 41