The Bible—Our Final Authority 2 Timothy 3:10–17
What is your final authority in life What is your final authority in life? Are you willing to admit it is often yourself?
What is your final authority in life What is your final authority in life? By submitting to the Bible as our final authority our faith and our church will remain strong in these last days.
2 Timothy 3:10–11 Now you followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance, persecutions, and sufferings, such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord rescued me!
Psalm 34:19 But the Lord delivers him out of them all. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
2 Timothy 3:12–13 Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
2 Timothy 3:14–15 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:16–17 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
What is your final authority in life What is your final authority in life? Are you willing to admit it is often yourself? By submitting to the Bible as our final authority our faith and our church will remain strong in these last days.