Presentation To Portfolio Committee NEMISA Date:19 February 2019 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 1: Administration 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1 , 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explan-ation of Variance Current progress to date iNeSI operating model developed Q1: Review report of the operating model - Achieved N/A The CEO has reviewed the operating model Q2: First draft operating model Q3: Second draft of the operating model submitted to the CEO iNeSI operating model has been developed and submitted to the CEO for review. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 2: Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explan-ation of Variance Current progress to date 9 MoA for 2019/20 developed and signed Q1: Delivery priorities for 2019/20 finalised and agreed with CoLabs - Achieved N/A None Q2: Draft CoLab MoAs for 2019/20 developed Q3: CoLab MoAs finalised 3-year MoA for 2019/20 has been finalized and sent to CoLabs for signature Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 2: Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explan-ation of Variance Current progress to date Advocacy and awareness report developed Q1: Advocacy and Awareness campaigns plan developed - Achieved N/A None Q2: Quarter 2 progress report on advocacy and awareness campaigns developed Q3: Quarterly progress report on advocacy and awareness campaigns plans Produced quarterly reports on all advocacy and awareness campaigns conducted by the institute and CoLabs Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 3: Astuteness Development 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explan-ation of Variance Current progress to date National e- skills Curriculum competency framework developed Q1: First draft National e-skills curriculum Competency framework - Achieved N/A None Q2: Second draft of National e- skills curriculum competency framework Q3: National e-Skills Curriculum competency Framework developed and submitted to board National e-Skills Curriculum competency Framework developed and submitted to board for review Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 3: Astuteness Development (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explan-ation of Variance Current progress to date 4465 e-literacy learners trained Q1: No target - N/A In-house training unit and CoLabs are continuing to roll out training as per their business plans Q2: 2000 e-literacy learners trained 3780 e-literacy learners trained Achieved Q3: A cumulative total of 3780 e-literacy learners have been trained Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 3: Astuteness Development (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explan-ation of Variance Current progress to date 2000 Sector users trained Q1: No target - N/A In-house training unit and CoLabs are continuing to roll out training as per their business plans Q2: 1000 Sector Users trained 3374 sector users trained Achieved Q3: A cumulative total of 3374 Sector Users have been trained Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 3: Astuteness Development (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explan-ation of Variance Current progress to date 700 ICT practitioners trained Q1: No target A cumulative total of 424 ICT Practitioners have been trained - N/A In-house training unit and CoLabs are continuing to roll out training as per individual business plans Q2: 350 ICT Practitioners trained 424 ICT practitioners trained Not Achieved Non- achievement resulted from the late signing of MoA’s. Q3: Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 3: Astuteness Development (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date 200 e-leaders trained Q1: No target - N/A In-house training unit and CoLabs are continuing to roll out training as per individual business plans Q2: 100 e-leaders trained 82 e-leaders trained Not Achieved Non-achievement resulted from late signining of MoA’s. Q3: A cumulative total of 82 e-leaders that have been trained Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 3: Astuteness Development (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date 3 e-skills projects developed Q1: No target - N/A The target is only set for quarter 4 Developing an e-learning channel that is going to support e-skills massification Q2: The target is only set for quarter 4 Q3: None Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 4: Knowledge for Innovation 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date National environmental scan report developed Q1: First review report on 2017/18 National Environmental Scan Framework - Not Achieved The target for the first quarter could not be achieved because the MOA for Unisa had not been finalized Collection of data has commenced Q2: No target N/A Q3: Second review on 2017/18 National Environmental Scan framework A workshop was conducted between the CoLabs and the K4I team where the research instrument to conduct the environmental scan was approved Achieved Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 4: Knowledge for Innovation (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1 , 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date 6 new e-skills products developed Q1: Product Analysis Report - Achieved N/A None Q2: Proposed new e-skills Products consulted with stakeholders Q3: Proposed new e-skills products aligned with required standards and purpose A product analysis framework to capture publications from the CoLabs has been drafted. •The K4I website was completed and a provider initiated. •The course register has been updated with the latest information Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 4: Knowledge for Innovation (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Annual e-skills research colloquium hosted Q1: Desired outcomes of the colloquium finalised - Achieved N/A None Q2: Themes, speakers, venue of the e-skills research colloquium finalised Q3: e-skills research colloquium marketed The Digital Skills Conference was marketed in South Africa, and internationally primarily through social media networks Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 4: Knowledge for Innovation (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date 6 Commissioned research articles or papers that appeared in accredited publications Q1: Research Themes, aims, scope and benefits Identified and agreed with funder - Achieved N/A None Q2: Progress report On commissioned & papers facilitated and analysed Q3: & papers facilitated and analysed A book on Discussion Cases was published 4 x Discussion Cases were facilitated by Dr. Matt Mullarkey Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 4: Knowledge for Innovation (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date 6 formal engagements held with e-skills and ICT thought leaders Q1: No target - Achieved N/A None Q2: 3 Engagement Reports held with e-skills and ICT thought leaders Q3: The annual target has been achieved Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 4: Knowledge for Innovation (continues) 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date 8 Postgraduate research initiatives supported Q1: Identified research Initiatives consulted with Funder and Research supervisor - Achieved N/A None Q2: 8 research initiatives approved by funder and supervisor Not Achieved 4 research initiatives were achieved in Q2 Q3: Postgraduate Research progress report developed -Call for Masters and PhD students was made -Three applications were received. - Three were interviewed with potential progress to be made in January 2019 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Programme 5: Aggregation Framework 2018/19 Annual Target Quarterly Targets (Q1, 2 & 3) Actual Performance as at 31 December 2018 Overall Status as at 31 Dec 2018 Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Annual Socio-economic Impact report finalised and approved for submission to the Board Q1: CoLab quarterly analysis reports - Achieved N/A None Q2: Q3: analysis reports developed Developed CoLab quarterly analysis reports which will inform the impact evaluation that will be performed in quarter 4 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Financial Information Quarter 1 The entity received the 1st tranche amounting to R22,7 million broken down as follows in quarter 1: Expenditure Actual Budget Variance % Direct expenditure R95 000,00 R167 000,00 43 Overhead expenditure R12 571 000,00 R13 089 000,00 4 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Financial Information Quarter 2 The entity received the 2nd tranche amounting to R22,7 million broken down as follows in quarter 2: Expenditure Actual Budget Variance % Direct expenditure R20 119 029,00 R11 666 690,00 72 Overhead expenditure R12 545 498,00 R13 089 970,00 4 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Financial Information Quarter 3 We have received the 3rd quarter tranche amounting to R22,7 million broken down as follows: Expenditure Actual Budget Variance % Direct expenditure R11 101 518,00 R11 666 690,00 5 Overhead expenditure R10 995 630,00 R11 692 497,00 6 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
THANK YOU Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.