Colorado Lagoon Ecosystem Restoration Project Click to edit Master text styles Second level Presented to Marine Advisory Commission February 14, 2019
Why the Proposed Project The open channel and mitigation bank are the final pieces of the Colorado Lagoon restoration plan Restoration planning began in 2001, sparked by the local community The first two phases are complete Full tidal range and circulation necessary to complete the restoration The mitigation bank is an innovative approach to fund construction Provides valuable coastal/wetland habitat in an urban environment Provides educational and public access opportunities
Proposed Open Channel Earthen waterway Restores full tidal regime to Colorado Lagoon Provides habitat connectivity from Alamitos Bay to Colorado Lagoon Serves as a model for creative partnerships to fund high-value restoration projects
Natural open channel with mix of tidal habitats Creates valuable subtidal, mudflat and marsh habitats
Valuable opportunity in an urban setting Enhances public perspective of natural coastal habitats Provides opportunities for passive recreation and education
Mitigation Bank Habitat Areas (22.53 acres) 22.5 acres of tidal habitat area created (“established”) and enhanced (“rehabilitated”) Mix of tidal habitat including 8 acres of new eelgrass Additional ~1.6 acres of surrounding upland buffer area restored with native vegetation (not counted as Bank credits)
Project Update/ Next Steps USACE has agreed to sign the BEI & sent to IRT Coastal commission hearing February 8 Consideration by POLB for the purchase of credits City council review and approval Finalize design, bid, and award (16 months) Construction (18-24 months) Substantially Complete Fall 2022