ICSTI International conference “Scientific and Tecnological Innovations: National Experience and International Collaboration” Collaboration for the Development of the 7th Framework Programme 2007-2013 of the European Commission Prof. Eng. George Teseleanu Ph. D. Lawyer Emanuele Occhipinti Baku - Republic of Azerbaijan 20th May 2010
FP7 is the 2007- 2013 European programme For Research and Technological development. Strategic objectives Strengthen the scientific and technological base of European industry Encourage its international competitiveness, while promoting research that supports EU policies Type of funding: Grants to research actors all over Europe and beyond, in order to co-finance research, technological development and coordination projects. Grants are determined on the basis of “calls for proposals” and a peer review process
FP7- Cooperation programme Who can partecipate? In principle, a legal entity may participate in a FP7 proposal no matter where it is established. However in a project there must be at least three ‘legal entities’ established in different EU Member States or Associated countries. The core of FP7, representing two thirds of the overall budget, is the Cooperation programme. It fosters collaborative research and coordinating actions across Europe and other partner countries through projects by transnational consortia of industry and academia. Research and coordinating actions will be carried out in Thematic areas such as: Energy, Health, Biotecnology, Information and communication technologies.
Potential Partners The following may receive EU funding in an FP7 project: Any legal entity established in a EU Member State or an Associated Country (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein,Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey Any legal entity established in an FP7 International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC)
FET OPEN - Future and Emerging Technologies Helping new research communities to emerge: FET-Open aims at seeding and nurturing new scientific disciplines or research topics of relevance to its objectives, and supports the emergence and consolidation of around these disciplines and topics FET-Open is a programme inside FP7 that targets support and coordination activities for high-risk and high-impact visionary research in the field of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). The Future and Emerging Technologies Open Scheme - FET-Open - is a roots-up approach for exploring promising visionary ideas that can contribute to challenges of long term importance for Europe. The purpose of FET-Open is to stimulate exploratory research and structuring activities for a future science and technology basis that can address emerging technological, industrial and societal challenges of long term importance for Europe.
THE COORDINATION PROJECT In the context of FET- Open, our “Coordination (or networking) actions” aimed at coordinating research activities and policies in the field of ICT new technologies. The project in particular want achieve the emergence of a new community reasearch around the topic of “ICT and the future: new ICT technologies aimed at solving problems of fresh water supply” that represent considerable intere st and in the long term may be developed to the stage of industrial application. This project can include: organisation of events – including conferences,meetings, workshops or seminars, related studies, exchanges of personnel, exchange and dissemination of good practices
Project Ideas Develop of two major workshops conferences common to all partners: one in Russia and one in Rome Four thematic working groups consist from 3 to 4 partners. Each group will be assigned a specific topic between: Titanium dioxide based photo-catalysts for reagent-free disinfection of aqueous media; New renewable materials based on film-fabric preparations for water purification for different use; Technology and installations for preparation of potable water with specified antioxidant properties and controlled mineralization; Development of filtering materials on the base of nano fabrics for microbiological treatment of water Exchange between the groups and the countries partners are also expected with the purpose to coordinate the work of the entire research community Develop of a Project-website in order to improve coordination trough the partners and visibility of the ideas and bes practices
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT Stimulating the emergence of a new research community Catalysing new visions and higly innovative ideas about new ICT technologies aimed at solving problems of fresh water supply Draft of a final joint working paper around the general topic of this coordination activity
Technical info about FET-Open Budget: The EC contribution varies between 0,5 and 1 Million Euro. The funding covers from 96% to 100% of total eligible costs. The average funding for partner should be about 35.000/ 50.000 Euro Indicative duration: Coordination actions are expected to have a duration of typically two to four years. However, there will be no formal minimum or maximum duration Deadline: The deadline of this call for proposals is July 6, 2010
Documents to start In this first stage of the project should not be presented particular documents We need your confirmation of interest in this project and a contact person of your organization We certainly need your innovative ideas and your scientific support for this project
Contacts The coordinator of this project will be ESMO Consulting (Italy) The potential partners can contact the responsable of the coordination that for this project will be Mr.Giorgio Barbato Contact: info@esmo.it giorgio.barbato81@gmail.com
Thank you for the attention Prof. Giorgio Teseleanu Ph.D. georgeteseleanu@me.com