The Draft National Harmonised Regulatory Framework Coal Seam Gas
Introduction Standing Council on Energy and Resources Work program Stakeholders SCER Ministers CSG Steering Group Water Agencies Stakeholder Reference Group Consultants Norton Rose SKM 1.Well integrity and aquifer protection; 2.Water management and monitoring; 3.Hydraulic fracturing; and 4.Chemical use.
Eighteen leading practices and four overarching 1.Undertake comprehensive environmental impact assessments, including but not limited to, rigorous chemical, health and safety and water risk assessments 2.To develop and implement comprehensive environmental management plans which demonstrate that environmental impacts and risks will be as low as reasonably practicable 3.Apply a hierarchy of risk control measures to all aspects of the CSG project 4.Verification of key system elements, including well design, water management and hydraulic fracturing processes, by a suitably qualified and authorised person
Well integrity 5.Apply strong governance, robust safety practices and high design, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning standards for well development 6.Require independent supervision of well construction 7.Ensure the provision and installation of blowout preventers informed by a risk assessment Source: NSW Government (2012).
Water Management and Monitoring 8.Use baseline and ongoing monitoring for all vulnerable water resources 9.Manage cumulative impacts on water through regional- scale assessments 10.Ensure co-produced water volumes are accounted for and managed 11.Maximise the recycling of co-produced water for beneficial use, including managed aquifer recharge and virtual reinjection
Hydraulic Fracturing 12.Require a geological assessment as part of well development and hydraulic fracturing planning processes 13.Require process monitoring and quality control during hydraulic fracturing activity JuneWarren-Nickles Energy Group
Chemical Use 14.Handle, manage, store and transport chemicals in accordance with Australian legislation, codes and standards 15.Minimise chemical use and use environmentally benign alternatives 16.Minimise the time between cessation of hydraulic fracturing and flow back, and maximise the rate of recovery of fracturing fluids 17.Increase transparency in chemical assessment processes and require full disclosure of chemicals used in CSG activities by the operator 18.Undertake assessments of the combined effects of chemical mixtures, in line with Australian legislation and internationally accepted testing methodologies
Timeline SCER Endorsement 14 December Consultation and submission 14 December 2012 to Thursday 28 February 2013 SCER Agreement Mid 2013