A. Tsinganis, F. Cerutti (EN/STI/FDA) Energy deposition in the Matching Section (v1.2): short summary on D2/Q4 A. Tsinganis, F. Cerutti (EN/STI/FDA) WP3 Meeting – March 9, 2016
Overview Energy deposition study in the matching section (up to Q7) Optics version HL-LHCV1.2 All collimators in place Round optics Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Apertures (changes wrt optics v1.1) Significant elements Apertures (changes wrt optics v1.1) TAXN: 80mm 85mm D2 correctors: 100mm 105mm (same as D2) Q4 correctors: 100mm 90mm (same as Q4) Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Peak power density (vertical crossing) Peak power density below design values Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Peak dose (Lint=4000fb-1) (vertical crossing) Values below 20MGy… …except for the first Q4 corrector, where a peak of 30-35MGy is expected Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Peak dose (Lint=4000fb-1) (vertical crossing) Peak in Q4 H corrector (MCBYYH) is very localised The increased value is attributable to: The reduced aperture (100mm 90mm) The increase in the TAXN aperture (now 85mm) Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Summary Peak power and dose values generally well within acceptable limits Localised peak in MCBYYH ~30-35MGy Related to aperture reduction and to TAXN aperture increase Integration issues in the TAXN-D2 region: May lead to displacement of TAXN in the IP direction, with corresponding aperture adjustment Removal of TCTs (with TAXN displacement and aperture adjustment) would leave the coils in the outgoing bore exposed (especially for vertical crossing) Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Extra material Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Total power for L=7.5L0 (vertical crossing) Magnets Magnet cold mass Beam screen (b1/b2) Power [W] D2 24 1.3 / 0.1 D2 H 1.8 0.2 / 0.005 D2 V 1.6 Q4 H 10 1.4 / 0.06 Q4 V 5.4 0.6 / 0.07 Q4 7.3 0.8 / 0.1 Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Peak power density (horizontal crossing) Peak power density below design values Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Peak dose (Lint=4000fb-1) (horizontal crossing) Beam 1 Values below 20MGy… …except for the first Q4 corrector (here not evaluated), where a peak of up to ~30MGy is expected Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT
Total power for L=7.5L0 (horizontal crossing) Magnets Magnet cold mass Beam screen (b1/b2) Power [W] D2 50 2.5 / 0.1 D2 H 2.2 0.2 / 0.005 D2 V 1.4 0.2 / 0.004 Q4 H 11 1.3 / 0.03 Q4 V 4.6 0.8 / 0.03 Q4 10 1.4 / 0.1 Energy deposition in the Matching Section (D2 - Q4) | WP3 Meeting | March 9, 2016 | AT