Kevin Hughes GRSC-7 Chairman


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Presentation transcript:

Kevin Hughes GRSC-7 Chairman Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #: GSC14-CL-003R1 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: ITU AGENDA ITEM: 3.2 Closing Plenary CONTACT(S): Kevin Hughes GRSC-7 Summary Report Kevin Hughes GRSC-7 Chairman Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

General Overview (1) 27 attendees 22 input documents Noted meeting report from GRSC-6 (ATIS) Three High Interest Subject (HIS) panel sessions Two Information Sharing (ISS) documents Two Task Force Reports WRC status Report General discussions HIS titles Resolutions, their titles and their scope Observation on radio-related issues discussed in Plenary Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

General Overview (2) High Interest Subjects (Panel Sessions) Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking (ISACC) Mobile Multimedia Broadcast & Multicast (TIA) Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS) (TIA) Proposals for new HIS’s None Information Sharing Subjects European UWB Regulation & Standardization Activities (ETSI) Challenges Faced by Electrical Utilities (ISACC) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking (ISACC) (1) Contributions: 5 (TIA), 10 (ARIB), 12 (CCSA), 19 (ISACC) Challenges Coordination between Standards Organizations and fora Mobile-mobile communications and voice continuity in LTE Regulatory issues with Femtocells local IP access emergency services lawful authorized surveillance Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking (2) Strategic direction Continued collaboration with Fora Recognize that deployment evolution may vary for HSPA, HSPA+, LTE and LTE-A LTE-A asymmetric carrier aggregation may allow to use FDD and TDD in a single network, making more efficient use of available spectrum Further develop Femtocell standards to support increased coverage and home network enhanced services Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking (3) GRSC proposes to shorten title of HIS to “Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs and ad-hoc Networking” Resolution GSC-13/21 (Broadband Services in Rural and remote Areas) revised to encompass points made above in “strategic direction” slide GRSC expressed concerns with title and scope of Resolution: miss-match with broad range of contributions addressing the subject emphasis on “rural” may be too restrictive recommends consideration of title and/or new separate Resolution before GSC-15 Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Mobile Multimedia Broadcast & Multicast (TIA) Contributions: 9R1 (ARIB), 14 (ETSI), 20 (ITU), 21R1 (TTA), 6R1 (TIA), 7 (TIA) Many digital radio and mobile TV air interface standards now exist Recent activity has included extension to hybrid satellite and terrestrial systems Digital radio services are already widely deployed However, mobile TV has yet to achieve mass deployment Transposition of standards has occurred e.g., between ETSI and TIA A common theme is that efforts for international harmonization should be actively continued Panel concurred that MMBM should remain as a HIS for next GSC, and that Resolution GSC-13/17 be revised to enlarge its scope (to include hybrid satellite and terrestrial systems) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS) (TIA) Contributions: 23 (ARIB), 15 (ETSI) (Info only), 8 + a1 (TIA), 18 (ISACC), 19 (ISACC) Important for Public Safety, ITS, any market segment that uses multiple spectral bands, to support cost effectiveness Regulatory pressure as well for Cognitive radio functionality The consensus on the panel and concurring GRSC attendee comments indicated that RRS remains an important area of attention for standards to support interoperability, and should remain an HIS for GSC-15 Focus still needed on identifying key interfaces to be standardized Resolution 13/15 (SDR and CR) was revised to recognize use of such technologies in non-harmonized frequency bands Resolution 13/21 (Broadband Services in Rural & Remote Areas) was revised to encourage the inclusion of smart radio technology in broadband services to allow access to under-utilized radio spectrum. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Task Force Reports (1) IMT Task Force Contribution: GSC14-PLEN-16 GRSC7-13 Summary of IMT Task Force activities Since GSC-13, TF met during 5th meeting of WP 5D, in addition to exchanging views by e-mail TF proposes to GRSC its continuation with the principal aim of exchanging information and views for consensus building on candidate radio interface technologies for IMT-Advanced TF encourages PSOs to review their national/regional activities and to report progress to the TF and at the next GSC meeting GRSC-7 recommends maintaining IMT Task Force Revision prepared to Resolution GSC-13/1 Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Radio Microphone Task Force Task Force Reports (2) Radio Microphone Task Force Contribution: GSC14-GRSC7-16 Summary of Radio Microphone Task Force Since GSC-13, TF has remained active by correspondence Studies on use of “white space” in FDD duplex gap at UHF resulting from digital dividend Continuation of TF proposed, with exchange of information from ETSI STF Resolution GSC-13/20 proposed for maintenance Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Contribution: GSC14-GRSC7-022 Summary World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-[12]) – status of preparations Contribution: GSC14-GRSC7-022 Summary Final dates of next WRC yet to be confirmed Principal themes of WRC-[12] and structure of CPM Report Remaining timetable in preparation for WRC-[12]: 16 July 2010: deadline for completion of draft CPM texts by ITU-R (Responsible Study Groups/Working Parties) Q4 2010: compilation and publication of draft CPM Report Q1 2011: CPM11-2 Q2 2011: availability of CPM Report Q1 2012: WRC-[12] TO BE CONFIRMED! Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Actions proposed by GRSC-7 Resolutions Actions proposed by GRSC-7 Resolution 15: Software Defined Radios (SDR) and Cognitive Radio Systems (Revised) Resolution 17: Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast (Revised) Resolution 21: Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas (Revised) Resolution 18: Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies for Assessing Human Exposure to RF Energy (Deletion) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Final Status of GRSC Resolutions GSC13/13, Global UWB Standardization including UWB Radar and Sensor/Imaging Applications (Maintained) GSC13/15 (14/15), Software Defined Radio (SDR) (Revised) GSC13/17 (14/17), Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast (Revised) GSC13/18, Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies for Assessing Human Exposure to RF Energy (Deleted) GSC13/19, Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies, associated Measurement Uncertainty and Calibration (Maintained) GSC13/20, Radio Microphones and Cordless Audio Standardization (Maintained) GSC13/21 (14/21), Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas (Revised) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Observation and Recommendation to be conveyed to GSC Plenary Various HIS and NN issues are discussed only in the Plenary meetings of GSC. Sometimes these issues may have complex radio-related aspects that deserve to be further discussed in greater detail at GRSC. In such situations, the contributor PSOs are encouraged to flag these radio-related-aspects in their contributions whenever possible, and the Plenary should be requested to invite GRSC to take a closer look and report back the findings to the Plenary. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

Closing remarks Thanks to the GRSC Vice-Chairmen Ms. Zhiqin Wang (CCSA) Mr. Asok Chatterjee (ATIS) Thanks to HIS panel session lead PSO speakers Thanks to all participants for lively and stimulating discussions Geneva, 13-16 July 2009