Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual Module 3: Part II Exercises
Standard Model Checking
Standard Model Reports Under the Highway Assignment module: Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Define Study Area All links within the study area must have the PROJID attribute coded Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Define Study Area Use the Drawing Layer to create a polygon and then use the Link Compute to populate the PROJID = ‘WEST’ Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
RMSE Comparison Find Report 7: RPT7LIM10VALRMSEBASE.DBF (RMSE for cars in the base scenario) Open file: as default DBF or other exported format (e.g. CSV) Vol 3 Ex #1 – Check Reports.xlsx Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
RMSE Comparison Find Report 7: RPT7LIM10VALRMSEBASE.DBF Study Area: WEST Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
RMSE Comparison Use the values from the desired RMSE curve from FWHA Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
RMSE Comparison Add Region and Study Area RMSE’s to data group Compare curves Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
VMT Reports Find Report 8: RPT8LIM10VALVMTBASE.DBF Area Type and Functional Class Assigned link volumes and link counts Open file: as default DBF or other exported format Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
VMT Reports Find Report 8: RPT8LIM10VALVMTBASE.DBF Each combination of Functional Class and Area Type Totals of Functional Class and totals of Area Type Repeat for the study area Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
VMT Reports Find Report 8: RPT8LIM10VALVMTBASE.DBF Repeat for the study area Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Screenline Checks Find Report 9: RPT9LIM10SCRLNBASE.DBF Comparing the sum of assigned volume on a screenline to the sum total of the counts Graph the percent differences compared to the desired maximum difference based on volume group Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Screenline Checks Used a pivot table to sum the screenlines Allowable screenline % error uses the values from the desired RMSE curve from NCHRP Report 255 to make a graph Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Ratios of Volumes / Ground Counts Create a new link attribute field (VOL2CNT) Link Compute new field values Plot link Volume/Count ratios by color and thickness Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Review of Land Use Data Open Land Use data variable file (in DBF format) using a spreadsheet Compare data within a zone for logical proportions Create graphs to spot outliers Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Land Use Variable Checking Population / Household Workers / Household Vehicles / Household Pop18 / Total Population Workers / Total Population Hotel Rooms / NAICS 72 Employment Total School Enrollment / NAICS 61 Employment Others ZDATA_LIMZDB.xlsx (from input zonal data DBF file) Vol 3 Ex #2 – Check Variables.xlsx Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Land Use Variable Checking Population / Household Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Advanced Model Checking
Select Link Analysis All travel paths needed will be saved in the *.PTH files if the Save Paths options are checked in the Main Model Run Options (same as PATH* keys are set to 1) Paths files are large, so not saved by default The 4 path files for this assignment total 3 GB Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Select Link Analysis Open the NT assigned network: LIM10JNTASNBASE.NET Open the NT peak period path file in a network: LIM10JPATHNTBASE.PTH Analysis tab\ Add Path File… Pick Options: Mode: Selected Links Iterations: 20 Selected Links/Nodes: L=2300-2301* Click <Display> Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Select Link Analysis Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Select Link Analysis Individual Select Link Saves time when the link is known Modify the Night Peak Period Assignment script Save Paths options must be unchecked (PATH1=0) Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Select Link Analysis Individual Select Link Modify assignment script Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Select Link Analysis Individual Select Link Only need to re-run Standard Assignment Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Select Link Analysis Individual Select Link Open : LIM10JNTASNBASE_select_link.NET The volumes for the select link will appear as a new link attributes V3T_1 (cars) V4T_1 (trucks) Display the select link volumes using a link bandwidth Analysis tab \ Multi-Bandwidth… Attributes = V3T_1 LIM10JNTASNBASE.NET Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Select Link Analysis Individual Select Link Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Turning Movements Available for period and full day assignments Daily turning volumes are adjusted for truck PCE value Period turn volumes display all volumes at once and are better for presenting to decision makers Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Period Turning Movements Open the NT peak assignment network Load in the NT peak output intersection file Intersection tab \ Output File LIM10JTURNSNTBASE.INT Load in the NT Voyager output turning volume file Intersection tab \ Turn Volume File LIM10JTURNSNTBASE.DBF Go to Node 2300 Make sure that the node is selected Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Period Turning Movements Output intersection file Click node icon Post all links with: V_1 (V_1 is the default label for assigned volume) Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Period Turning Movements Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Period Turning Movements How does the matrix set of turning volume values compare to the output intersection data? How do they compare to the approach link volumes posted on the network? The posted network volumes are PCE adjusted Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Intersection Output Data Volumes Volume 1 contains auto volumes Volume 2 contains truck volumes Combined Volume = Volume 1 + Volume 2 Each selected is added to the total displayed Default model PCE value is 2.0, so selecting Combined Volume and Volume 2 is equal to autos + 2*trucks Compare these to the posted network volumes Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Daily Turning Movements Open the 24 hour assignment network The 24 hour output intersection file does not exist Load in the 24 hour Voyager output turning volume file Intersections tab \ Turn Volume File LIM10JTURNS24BASE.DBF Go to Node 2321 Intersections tab \ Display Volumes… Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual
Daily Turning Movements Similar to period volumes, but they are PCE adjusted to daily volumes Sum up the values in a row and compare the approach link volumes Sum up the values in a row and compare the exiting link volumes Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual