Dual TVET for a Green and Inclusive Economy Stefan Hummelsheim, TVET Expert
Outline Reputation 1.1 International attention 1.2 Functional performance Structure 2.1 Overview of key aspects 2.2 Description of key aspects Transfer 3.1 Success factors 3.2 Adaption potential 3.2.1 Green economy 3.2.2 Inclusive economy Messages
1. Reputation - International Attention Positive assessments through multilateral actors World Bank OECD ILO UNESCO etc. Industrialized, developing and emerging countries Armenia Ethiopia Greece Korea South Africa
1. Reputation - Functional Performance Very low youth unemployment rate (integration function) High transition into the labour force (allocation function) Qualified skilled workers for the specific needs of the enterprises (qualification function) Identity promotion through the principle of a regulated occupation and acknowledged role in society (socialization function)
2. Structure – Overview of Key Aspects
2. Structure - Description of key aspects - Training contract
2. Structure - Description of key aspects - Work Based TVET
2. Structure - Description of key aspects - Examination
2. Structure - Description of key aspects - Stakeholder
3. Transfer – Success factors Cooperation of government, business community and social partners Learning within the work process Acceptance of national standards Qualified TVET staff Institutionalised research and advice E.g. examination board, TVET standards E.g. in-company training = 70 % E.g. Dual TVET standards, chamber certificate E.g. competent trainers and VET teachers E.g. National TVET Report
3. Transfer - Adaption potential - Green economy General aspects Integration of environmental qualifications (Green Skills) in TVET Extension of existing vocational competences by building moduls from Green skills Development of separate demand-oriented green occupations and TVET strategy Consideration of the green value chain Specific aspects Green/Sustainable/Energy Efficiency Economic growth Example: Technician for Solar Energy Maintenance, Technician for Robotics
3. Transfer - Adaption potential - Inclusive Economy General aspects Strengthen the regional and international exchange of experience in sustainable private sector development and cooperative/dual TVET Promotion of economic development will contribute to raising demand for labour Supporting TVET will increase the supply of qualified labour Teaching and practicing specific local needs for the job market Specific aspects Trainees will be better prepared to cope with the requirements and tasks in enterprises Example: Winemaker, Tourism manager
4. Messages Dual TVET is the superior TVET system (German) Dual TVET system is historically grown under unique conditions, embedded structures for a continuous modernization, stakeholders support based on consensus Success factors of the dual system must be adapted in a country-specific manner Need for a specific “Armenian flavor”, no simple copy process Armenian adaption potential of dual TVET in different ways to support and to establish Green and Inclusive Economy
References ETF 2017: Armenia. Education, Training and Employment Developments 2017. strategy 2013-2018 of the Republic of Armenia, Turin Euler 2013: Germany’s dual vocational training system: a model for other countries? Gütersloh GOVET 2017: Vocational Education and Training in Germany. Bonn Hummelsheim, Stefan/Baur, Michaela 2014: The German dual system of initial vocational education and training and its potential for transfer to Asia. PROSPECTS Quarterly Review of Comparative Education. Volume 44, Number 2, Prospects (2014) 44:279-296 Mertineit, Klaus-Dieter 2013: TVET for a Green Economy. Bonn, Berlin
MANY THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION stefan.hummelsheim@outlook.com