6Y 2017-10-11 Wednesday Europe Before Transatlantic Travel Objective: Describe important developments in Europe before transatlantic travel. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: Page 27 #3a (at least 5 complete sentences) Discuss 1.4 notes Check answers to page 27 #1-3 Homework: study your notes from chapter 1; chapter 1 writing project due on Monday.
Page 27 #3a Renaissance – rebirth Rebirth of Europe After Middle Ages Leonardo da Vinci and Michael Angelo More trade Inventors, engineers, architectures, education, art Middle Class Different forms of government Started in Italy and spread throughout Europe
Major Changes in Europe before Transatlantic Travel Ancient Greece: - thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle promoted the use of reason as a basis for society. - organized city states and created a form of government called direct democracy: all men were able to debate and decide on laws. They made decisions by casting votes. Roman Republic - Romans followed Greece’s example – democratic because people got to vote for representatives, who were only in power for a year. Government had three parts to balance the power. Written Roman law kept in public display so everyone knows the law Protect the people/citizens from abusive government Middle Ages Groups from the North and East invade Rome and Rome breaks apart. Europe became divided into smaller kingdoms. These kingdoms tried to invade one another and needed protection. Feudalism developed because they needed protection. Kings paid nobles and nobles paid knights in land for protection. Serfs worked the land.
Middle Ages Groups from the North and East invade Rome and Rome breaks apart. Europe became divided into smaller kingdoms. These kingdoms tried to invade one another and needed protection. Feudalism developed because they needed protection. Kings paid nobles and nobles paid knights in land for protection. Serfs worked the land. Peasants – poor, had to give food to everyone else. During the late 1000s, the Crusades began – European Christians went to the Holy Land to try and stop the Muslims from taking over. The Crusades took the knights away from Europe. Serfs gained power and created a Middle Class. The Crusades introduced goods from the Middle East and Asia. Made Europe more interested in exploring the world. Increase in trade. Gave more people wealth and power. The Black Death killed 1/3 of the people in Europe. This also gave more power to the peasants.
Renaissance Rebirth of Europe. New ways of thinking Rulers increased power again Art and education became a key feature Started in Italy and spread through many parts of Europe Knowledge spread to art, literature, science, and politics *Printing Press: allowed people to spread ideas faster, more people got access, Certain families and Italian kingdoms grew in wealth and power.
Page 27 1A. Direct Democracy vs. Republic: In a direct democracy every citizen votes on every issue. IN a republic, citizens vote for people to make the laws and decide on issues. 1B. A written law code is important because laws will be harder to change and rulers cannot abuse their power by making changes. It can be learned more easily and passed down without being changed. 2A. Nobles controlled the knights by paying them with land and goods. Knights would fight off invaders and protect the land. 2B. The Crusades had a big effect on the feudal system. Knights who had been defending the lords went out to fight in the Middle East. When the knights left, the lords had no one to defend the land. This also led to greater trade. Eventually, all these changes weakened and ended the feudal system. Made peasants more powerful and richer. 3A. Renaissance means rebirth. Era after the Middle Ages. There were lots of intellectual and artistic development during this time. It’s like Europe was reborn. It started in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe.