Use of NRL P-3 and ELDORA in TCS-08/T-PARC Tropical Cyclone Structure-2008 (TCS-08) ONR/NRL Funded Projects Project Title and Principal Investigator(s) Background Scientific Objectives Field Experiment Requirements Use of NRL P-3 and ELDORA in TCS-08/T-PARC David J. Raymond ( Physics Department and Geophysical Research Center New Mexico Tech Socorro, NM 87801 Tropical cyclone formation and intensification are not well modeled. Lack of understanding of the behavior of convection in tropical storms contributes to these problems. Recent progress on the convection problem can be applied to tropical cyclones. Document the wind and thermodynamic structure of early stage cyclones using dropsondes deployed from at least 7 km. Measure the updraft and downdraft mass flux profiles in early cyclone convection using the ELDORA radar. Estimate surface heat and momentum fluxes from dropsondes and Doppler radar and lidar. Measure the factors governing cyclone circulation, tendency, including mass convergence and frictional spindown. Relate mass convergence to the character of convection in the pre-cyclone core. Determine if current theory explains convective behavior in developing cyclones.