Reaching and Keeping Young Adults Super Saturday 2009
Goal of the Young Adult Baptism Survey To identify what is working in the top 108 churches in Kentucky that experienced baptism growth in the 18-29 year old category To share those best practices with other Kentucky Baptists To encourage Kentucky Baptist churches to apply transferable principles and practices to become more effective in reaching Young Adults in their setting
SURVEY INFORMATION: 108 Churches were sent surveys 38 responded Baptisms ranged from 5 to 165 5 to 10 baptisms -86 Churches 11 to 25 baptisms– 17 Churches 26 to 50 baptisms-3 churches 51-165 – 2 churches
1. What are the top three things God is using to reach young adults through your church’s ministry?
2. Is the worship style impacting how you are reaching young adults?
3. If you answered yes to question #2, what are you presently using?
4. How would you describe the worship experience that most young adults attend?
5. How do you follow-up with young adults that visit your church?
6. What is the preaching style that is used in the service most young adults attend?
7. Describe your staff that relate specifically to young adults?
8. How do you conduct outreach to young adults?
9. How do you feel your building / meeting place impacts how you reach young adults?
10. How do you use your facility to impact how you reach young adults? Access to facilities available throughout the week 28% Provide space for young adults in existing facility 28% Provide additional programs for them at separate times 23% Areas designed, furnished & dedicated just for young adults 16%
11. Do you have a specific plan for involving young adults in ministry?
12. If you answered ‘yes’ to question 11, Which plan are you implementing? Young adults get involved in ministry through their Sunday School Class or small group 35% Ministry leaders personally enlist young adults for ministry 26% An ongoing “Find your place in ministry” class 23% Nominating committee process of enlistment 10% Other 6%
13. What are you doing to encourage and establish relationships with young adults? Personal participation in young adult programs and activities 35% Regular intentional communication with college students 30% Mentoring program 14% “Adopt-a-student” ministry 11% Other 10%
14. What are your young adults most difficult struggles?
What was the one most successful event that impacted conversion growth in the Young Adult age group? Outreach to WKU International Students Our annual “God’s Great Outdoors Event Participation in small groups. Seeing Jesus in the people around them Preaching/Personal Application Mid Week Worship Service for students and intentional relational evangelism Disciple Now Weekend T.G.I.F. (Thank God It’s Free) Sat. give away
What was the one most successful event that impacted conversion growth in the Young Adult age group? Three part sermon series on “Blessed Singleness”, “Finding the Love of Your Life”, “Loving the Find of Your Life” “Twenty Somethings” class Small Group Study Keep them involved at all times Worship atmosphere of praise, confrontation with truth. Youth revival
What was the one most successful event that impacted conversion growth in the Young Adult age group? We give them the freedom to express their thoughts and views Conversation Having a single adult ministry Friends inviting friends to “Friend Day” Music Events with testimonies Telling them that they are the “church of now” and not just the “church of the future” Weekly Bible Preaching and Teaching
What was the one most successful event that impacted conversion growth in the Young Adult age group? No big event. Just consistent teaching and equipping students. It takes all of them. Young adults reach young adults. Love reaches all ages. Love in Action. One on one witnessing. Evangelism through our Sunday School. No one event. Weekly, relational ministry. No one event. It was more the regular normal ministry.
What was the one most successful event that impacted conversion growth in the Young Adult age group? Sunday School Class Fellowships Single Mom’s Oil Change Contemporary Worship Style favorite of Young Adults
Conclusions from the Survey: Worship Matters: Worship style is a significant factor in reaching Young Adults. A blended or contemporary style with a variety of instruments was most effective. Staff to Reach Them: A church can reach young adults without a full time staff person (34% used volunteer staff). This is great news for smaller churches who cannot afford staff and speaks volumes about simply having adults who are concerned for reaching this generation.
Conclusions from the Survey Become Intentional about Ministry Involvement: 80% had a plan for ministry involvement. This is a big reason young adults stay in the church. Snowball Effect in Outreach-Young adults reach young adults. This is the ‘snowball effect.’ The more you reach, the greater the possibility is of reaching more. Sunday School Classes and Small Groups are essential for Outreach, Follow-Up and Ministry Involvement with Young Adults.
Conclusions from the Survey Young Adults want to know “What does the Bible say?” when the pastor preaches. (44% preach expository messages) Churches that are reaching young adults have pastors who are personally connecting with young adults (35%). This does not mean they have to develop the program or ministry but they show up at some of the activities! This is a key component because it shows the pastor really cares.