Engaging Stakeholders in the Development and Evaluation of the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit (ACHRU) – Community Partnership Program (CPP) Dr. Maureen Markle-Reid, RN, MScN, PhD1,2 Dr. Jenny Ploeg, RN, PhD1 1Professor and Scientific Director, Aging, Community and Health Research Unit, School of Nursing, McMaster University 2Canada Research Chair in Person-Centred Interventions for Older Adults with Multimorbidity and their Caregivers On behalf of the ACHRU Team
Objectives and Study Design Co-design adaptations to ACHRU-CPP in collaboration with older adults, family/friend caregivers, and providers Examine the effectiveness of the ACHRU-CPP on health outcomes and service costs in Ontario, Quebec and Prince Edward Island Plan for scale-up of the ACHRU-CPP program Explore patient, caregiver, and provider experiences with the ACHRU-CPP program Study Design: Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial
Selected Examples of Stakeholder Engagement Patient and caregiver research partners were involved in developing the program and research study Patients and caregiver research partners helped identify study outcomes that were relevant to them Stakeholders (patients, caregivers, local service providers, and decision- makers) will inform all aspects of the research and be involved as: Members of local community advisory boards (CABs) A steering committee A patient advisory council