Extremism Goal 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions Learning Objectives To understand what extremism is and why people may get involved To consider ways in which extremism could be prevented
Goals & Articles Goal 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions Article 14 (freedom of thought, belief and religion) Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Article 38 (war and armed conflicts) Governments must do everything they can to protect and care for children affected by war. Article 13 (freedom of expression) Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive information of any kind as long as it is within the law.
Ground Rules Come up with 5 rules which your table thinks will help the class to have a positive, informative discussion about this topic.
Definitions What are your definitions of extremism and terrorism? Extremism: holding extreme political or religious views. Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation to bring about political or social change. Radicalisation: the action or process of causing someone to adopt radical positions on political or social issues.
What does radicalised look like? Take 5 minutes in pairs to decide who you think has committed a radicalised act of extremism. Feedback to the class with reasons why they have picked that person
What factors or feeling might lead people to get involved in terrorism/violent extremism? A lack of identity, purpose or sense of belonging Demonising of others as different, leaving people feeling separate and/or insecure Defending their culture, way of life or beliefs Sense of injustice regarding the treatment of their culture or beliefs Pressure or influence from violent extremist groups, including through social media Dehumanisation – indifference to violence through violent games, radicalisation process dehumanising ‘others’ Lack of understanding of faith Poverty, unemployment, lack of education and the promise of a better life This is for the first column of the table. This can be done as a class and then the students can decide how they could reduce this problem on their own (this is on the next slide/and the second column in the activity book)
What can communities do to help reduce these factors? For each factor on the sheet add ways that people can reduce the impact of these factors. E.g. next to ‘lack of understanding of faith’ you might add ‘RE lessons in schools’ How many of your ideas could you do yourselves? e.g. could you help people feel included, ensure you report online discrimination etc.