Work & Power Lab Seo Physics
Purpose To demonstrate how work can be produced and have different storage of energy To apply practice in converting work to power
Materials Stopwatch Meter stick Stairs
Roles Data Recorder = everyone in the group needs to record for each other Stop Watcher= everyone in the group rotates using stopwatch Measurer= Responsible measuring height of each stair
Procedures Find out your weight in lbs. 1) Multiply lbs. by 4.45 Newtons (N) 2) Use the meterstick to measure the height of one stair in meters 3) Find the total height by finding out the number of individual steps to multiplied by height of one step, in meters. 4) Record time per person going up or coming down, 5 times Total of 5 trials in seconds per person 5) Switch roles with your peer and collect other persons time to go up 5 times BE CONSISTENT WITH ALL 5 TRIALS. IF YOU ARE SPRINTING UP 1ST TIME, YOU HAVE TO STICK WITH SPRINTING ALL THROUGHOUT!!
Data Table #1 (per Individual) Weight (N) Height of one step (m) Number of steps Total height of stairs (m) Time of climb 1 (s) Time of climb 2 (s) Time of climb 3 (s) Data Table #1 (per Individual) Time of climb 4 (s) Time of climb 5 (s)
Pre-Lab Questions 1) Were each of your trials climbing the stairs stay consistent in time change (seconds)? If not, Explain how it was different 2) Did you feel as if you exerted the same effort on each climb? Explain.
Data Table #2 (per individual) Work (J) Power (W) Climb 1 Climb 2 Climb 3 Climb 4 Climb 5
Equations Work= Your weight in (N) * Total height of stairs climbed Power= Work/ Time took to finish steps
Post-Lab Questions 1) How do you calculate the amount of work done? the amount of power exerted? 2) What is the difference between work and power? 3) Two people climbed to the roof of a building. The old person walked up a gentle ramp. The young person climbed up a steep spiral staircase. Which person did more work? Explain
Requirements Conversion from lbs. to Newtons (N) Show ALL work. (Individual Work) Purpose, Procedure, and Materials (PEN ONLY) Conversion from lbs. to Newtons (N) Show all conversions and calculations to get Work and Power for each trial. Include ALL Units and Variables per answer. Answer ALL Pre- and Post-Questions in complete sentences. (PEN ONLY) Answer Conclusion Questions in complete sentences. (PEN ONLY)
General Rubric Purpose Materials Procedure Data Table #1 Pre-lab Questions Data Table #2 Calculations for Data Table #2 Post-Lab Questions Conclusion