Explain each value of the Renaissance in great detail. Chapter 17 Section 1 pages 471-477 Italy, Birthplace of the Renaissance List the three reasons in the first box and explain in detail in the second Setting the Stage Post plague, how did people’s way of thinking change? Italy’s three advantages that made it the birthplace of the Renaissance What is the Renaissance? Time period: ___________ to __________ Renaissance means It was a revival of Humanism Worldly Pleasures Renaissance Man/Woman Patrons of the Art Values Explain each value of the Renaissance in great detail. The Renaissance Revolutionizes Art What was medieval art like? Explain all the ways in which Renaissance art is different. For each of the following painters, explain who they were, what they were most famous for Michelangelo: Donatello: Leonardo: Raphael: Renaissance Writers Change Literature Explain what it means to write in the vernacular Who is Niccolo Machiavelli? What did he write? ___________________ What is the book about? Explain how Machiavelli thinks a prince/leader should be like.
Chapter 17 Section 2 pages 480-485 The Northern Renaissance ART The Northern Renaissance To what others parts of Europe did the Renaissance spread Why is it called Northern Renaissance? German painters Describe German art [subjects and style] Flemish Painters Describe Flemish art [subjects and style] LITERATURE Desiderius Erasmus What did he write and what was it about? Thomas More What did he write and what was it about? Christine de Pizan What did she write and what was it about? William Shakespeare What did he write about? What are some of his most famous works? Complete the following tree map with the impact of the Renaissance on the following three topics. Make a list using bullet points. Impact of the Renaissance Legacy of the Renaissance Changes in Art Changes in Society Johann Gutenberg Describe the new printing technology he invented. What were the effects of this new technology?