Intro to Psychology A Review Game Hmmmm
Final Jeopardy (jobs in psychology) People Approaches Jobs Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy (jobs in psychology)
He was the first to have theories on personality. People - 100 He was the first to have theories on personality.
People - 100 Who is Freud?
Wilhelm Wundt is known as the father of psychology because he did ths. People - 200 Wilhelm Wundt is known as the father of psychology because he did ths.
What is perform first psychology experiments on humans? People - 200 What is perform first psychology experiments on humans?
He is the father of American psychology. People – 300 He is the father of American psychology.
People - 300 Who is William James?
These two psychologists are most famous for the behavior approach. People - 400 These two psychologists are most famous for the behavior approach. (200 per answer)
Who are B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov? People - 400 Who are B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov?
These two psychologists are famous for their humanist theory. People - 500 These two psychologists are famous for their humanist theory. (250 per answer)
Who are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow? People - 500 Who are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow?
This approach analyzes thought. Approaches - 100 This approach analyzes thought.
What is cognitive theory? Approaches - 100 What is cognitive theory?
Behaviorism works because of these two consequences. Approaches - 200 Behaviorism works because of these two consequences. (Must get both for credit)
What is rewards and punishments? Approaches - 200 What is rewards and punishments?
Eating disorders are best explained by this approach. Approaches - 300 Eating disorders are best explained by this approach.
Approaches - 300 What is sociocultural?
Approaches - 400 According to humanists, our behavior is due to having this, which only humans have.
Approaches - 400 What is a self concept.
Approaches - 500 This approach studies the importance of sleep and why chemical balances cause depression.
Approaches - 500 What are is biological?
This type of psychologist uses information gathered by researchers. Jobs - 100 This type of psychologist uses information gathered by researchers.
What is applied psychologist? Jobs - 100 What is applied psychologist?
This person can prescribe medications. Jobs - 200 This person can prescribe medications.
Jobs - 200 What is a psychiatrist?
Jobs - 300 Studies in this field have explained why people become more depressed in winter.
What is environmental psychologist? Jobs - 300 What is environmental psychologist?
Jobs - 400 The concepts of “nature” and “nurture” are often studied by this type of psycholgist.
What is developmental psychologist? Jobs - 400 What is developmental psychologist?
Jobs - 500 A Rorschach test would most likely be used by this type of psychologist.
What is a personality psychologist? Jobs - 500 What is a personality psychologist?
Potpourri - 100 Miguel thinks the only jobs he can get are as a landscaper and a busboy. What approach would explain this?
Potpourri - 100 What is sociocultural?
Potpourri - 200 This approach explains why Sally avoids roller coasters because they make her sick.
Potpourri - 200 What is behavioral?
Potpourri - 300 Research shows that more people are likely to buy a car if a car dealership has red cars in its showroom. Product research would be what kind of job?
What is consumer psychology? Systems - 300 What is consumer psychology?
Potpourri - 400 Evan got a painful shot from the doctor. This approach would explain his fear of doctors.
Potpourri - 400 What is behavorial?
This psychologist is famous for studying memory. Potpourri - 500 This psychologist is famous for studying memory.
Who is Elizabeth Loftus? Potpourri - 500 Who is Elizabeth Loftus?
FINAL JEOPARDY A psychologist in this type of career would study what makes workers more productive.
What is Industrial/Occupational? FINAL JEOPARDY What is Industrial/Occupational?