LHE 3210 Teaching Of Writing Skills (PJJ February 2012) Prof. Dr. Jayakaran Mukundan
Course Objectives: By the end of the course students are familiar with the various approaches to teaching ESL writing enabling them to develop and prepare communicative writing assignments
Course Synopsis: Historical background of ESL writing instruction; approaches to teaching writing; pedagogical issues in teaching writing; the processes involved in writing tasks; evaluating students’ writing
Course Content All sections 1-4 of the Module are very important (Mukundan, 2012):
Section 1: Developments in the teaching of writing Section 2: Approaches to the teaching of writing Section 3: Classroom techniques in the teaching of writing in ESL Section 4: Issues in the teaching of writing in ESL
Course Evaluation: Mark allocation: 40% assignment; 30% mid-semester exam, and 30% final examination
Mid-semester and final exam format – multiple choice (MCQ & True/False) Assignment: The essay should be typed, (font 12, double spaced, total number of pages not exceeding 10 pages) – To be passed up during 2nd face-to-face meeting
Main references Selected articles in prescribed books listed below are very important: 1. The PJJ Module 2. Reid, J.M. (1993). Teaching ESL Writing. Englewood Cliffs: Regents/Prentice Hall (Chapters 1-3)
Assignment Question: Describe how writing is evaluated in Malaysian writing classrooms Soft copy will be provided
Marks will be deducted if the booklet exceeds 10 pages and if fancy covers are used) The assignment must be handed in the week before the second face-to-face
Notes: Read Joy Reid (1993) Chapters 1-3 for Mid-semester examination (Scanned version can be provided) For Final examination, read the entire Module and Joy Reid (Chapters 1-3)
Thank you…