Senior English 9/26/16 “Re-vision – the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text through new critical directions ….” –


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 9/26/16 “Re-vision – the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text through new critical directions ….” – Adrienne Rich Why can’t a man living in the US be buried in Canada? Limivorous – mud eating. Goals – Work on understanding and creating appositives as a way of combining sentences and getting rid of to be. Discuss how to revise the analysis/commentary of your own story. Homework – Revise Personal Essay D4 to include appositives. Points will be assigned for those who come prepared. Don’t Forget to study for vocab. 3 on Friday. He is still alive.

Senior English 9/27/16 How can writing a personal essay help you in ways other than getting into college or getting a scholarship? Many months have 31 days, how many have 28? Nidorous – resembling the smell or taste of fat. Goals – Practice revising to create appositives and creating appositives from scratch. Play with different versions. Do a peer review if time. Homework – Make sure to get appositives with colons and dashes in your discussion/analysis. Try: to explain, to illustrate with a negative, and to summarize. Save as Personal Essay D4. All of them.

Senior English 9/28/16 Which is the best predictor of success; intelligence or work ethic? Why? What did the cook name his son? Turophile – a cheese fancier. Goals – Complete work with appositives. Begin peer reviews of the discussion/analysis section of your paper. Looks for opportunities to use appositives - with dashes and colons – and repetition. Homework – Make revisions of discussion/analysis portion of your essay; save as Personal Essay D5. Print a copy before you come to class tomorrow. Turn in for points. stew

Senior English 9/29/16 If the link to the hook is on the end of the last paragraph of your Personal Essay how can you talk about your future in the beginning of the paragraph? What did the hamburger name her daughter? Wham – meatless ham made of textured soy. Goals – Work on revisions for the analysis portion of your essay. In the lab!  Homework – Don’t forget the Vocab 3 Quiz tomorrow. Patty

Senior English 9/30/16 Five minutes to review for the vocabulary 4 quiz. Why do doctors have to keep their temper? Ephemeromorph – biologist’s term for a form of life so low that they cannot be classified as animal or vegetable. Goals – Complete vocab. 4 study. Introduce new Vocab 5. Homework –Make revsions to both your story and your analysis. Begin study for Vocab 5. They don’t want to loose their patients.