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Presentation transcript:

Case Study Presentation By Amanda Carlisle

Getting to know “Fred” 12 year old male 5th grade student Current reading level is 2.5-3 He has been identified as having a Specific Learning Disability and receives support for English Language Arts. INTERVIEW INFORMATION Very talkative young man – has many stories to share Sees himself as a good reader and writer Likes to read about science and real life things Goals for the future: to graduate with honors like his mom Loves hunting OTHER INFORMATION: Comes from a blended family that is very busy and sometimes I think he feels lost in the shuffle of everything going on.

Assessments & Data Before QRI – Passages Two passage assessments were given. Level One: Expository –word identification was boarder line instructional/frustration level + comprehension at independent = overall Instructional level for Level One Expository Level Two: Narrative –word identification was instructional + comprehension independent = Instructional level WRITING SAMPLE Showed the use of inventive spelling, and lack of sentence structure. SPELLING INVENTORY Showed Fred is in the Emergent Late Shows knowledge of Initial and Ending consonant sounds Needs improvement in short vowels, digraphs & blends, and long vowel patterns

INTERVENTIONS IMPLEMENTED Took notes and played word games to improve his vowel team identification. Focused on reading materials that interested Fred. Used graphic organizer to identify the main parts of a story. Identified what plot was. Answering questions that the student had to relate back to his general classroom. Identified sentence structure Run-on Sentences. Increased Fred’s self-monitoring skills by breaking words into known chunks, slowing down while reading, and assessing if what he was reading is what the author was trying to say.

Assessments & Data Post Interventions QRI – Passages Two passage assessments were given. Level Two: Narrative–word identification was boarder line instructional/independent level + comprehension at instructional = overall Instructional level Level Three: Narrative –word identification was instructional/independent + comprehension independent = overall Independent level WRITING SAMPLE Showed still has difficulty with run-on sentences but does not use the word and to connect the sentences any longer. Still implementing invented spelling. SPELLING INVENTORY Showed Fred has made improvements in: Long vowels by one Other vowel patterns increased by 3 Overall spell correct spelling increased by 5 words Stayed the same with identifying short vowel sounds

REFLECTIONS Effectiveness of diagnostic approach Shows improvement in the skills of the tutee Identifies the needs of the tutee and areas to improve on Evaluation of the tutoring approach Improvement was made in his reading levels from a level one/two to a reading level of 3. Spelling was improved he is now able to Writing samples improved

Suggestions for Fred Continue to identify the vowel teams and blend sounds that he struggles with. Continue to work on improving his writing. Keep the activities fun and engaging. Word games and activities. Find him a younger reading buddy for him to read to. Gives him a purpose and makes him a role model for the younger reader.