Project Workshops Introduction.


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Presentation transcript:

Project Workshops Introduction

Important Points to Note Project Workshops will be Thursdays at 1315 in L50 These workshops are compulsory for all project students Projects Introduction

Projects Introduction Aims of the workshops training in skills relevant to final year projects focus on the administrative issues, not the academic ones make the supervision effort more effective, without repetition of administrative issues Projects Introduction

Workshop Organisation 10 meetings (all of them compulsory) 1 on literature/library already done 5 in weeks 1-4, 9 4 in weeks 12-14, 19 Projects Introduction

Projects Introduction Other Talks Week 8 on PhD opportunities Projects Introduction

Projects Introduction Learning Outcomes An understanding of: key dates and deadlines marking scheme and requirements planning of a project formulating a list of deliverables giving a class presentation writing an academic dissertation preparing for oral examinations Projects Introduction

Projects Introduction General Advice Start early. Put in enough work. If you do not do enough, you will fail. Do not spend the whole of the Easter vacation on your project at the expense of your revision. A double module project currently represents only one third of your final-year assessment, translating into one fifth of your overall degree mark. You cannot afford to neglect the other two-thirds of your final-year mark. Projects Introduction

Projects Introduction General Advice The dissertation and the project itself must use and apply Computer Science. This above all is the major weakness of past projects. Include a first-class literature survey. Include RESULTS. A project without results and an evaluation of them is useless. Projects Introduction

Responsibilities of the Supervisor to give guidance about the nature of the project and the standard expected, about the planning of the project, about literature and sources, about techniques and methods and about any problems of plagiarism; to maintain contact at least once a week for at least 30 minutes meetings; to be accessible within reason at other times for giving advice to the student; to give detailed advice on milestones;. Projects Introduction

Responsibilities of the Supervisor to request written work as appropriate and return such work with constructive criticism within a reasonable time; to ensure that a student is made aware of any inadequacy of progress, or of standards of work below those expected; to encourage the student to produce early draft chapters, to comment on them critically and return the comments promptly. If the student does not do so, this is the student's responsibility. Projects Introduction

Responsibilities of the Student to agree on a schedule of meetings with the supervisor and to attend such meetings; to take the initiative in raising problems, however elementary they may seem; to maintain the progress of the work in accordance with the milestones and objectives agreed with the supervisor; to contribute to planning the project and monitoring progress against the plan; Projects Introduction

Responsibilities of the Student to keep a project log for recording results, ideas, references etc. acquired as the project progresses; to determine the contents of the report and of oral presentations; to present drafts of the project write up to their supervisor before the Easter vacation. There is no obligation on supervisors to read drafts during the vacation Projects Introduction

Projects Introduction Summary Take note of these workshops and the documentation as failure to do so in the past has resulted in students attaining very poor marks and even failing completely Start early. Put in enough work. If you do not do enough, you will fail. Projects Introduction