Scope and Approach Date of Publication Viewpoint Bias Evaluating Sources Scope and Approach Date of Publication Viewpoint Bias
Scope and Approach Do Not Depend on Title Alone Book: Check table of contents and index. How many pages devoted to your subject? Article: Read abstract and/or opening paragraphs. Author: Is there biographical information? Does it provide author’s basic approach to the subject?
Scope and Approach Consider These Questions: Does the source provide a general or specialized view? Is the source long enough to provide adequate detail? Is the author an expert on the topic? Is the information substantiated elsewhere?
Date of Publication Older Sources: Establish principles, theories, and data Become familiar with authoritative works Web Sources: Check how often it is updated
Viewpoint Sources should represent multiple viewpoints on the subject Arguments: Determine what positions have been staked out. Define the issue more carefully Anticipate opposing arguments
Bias Most writing is not neutral or objective Must consider how the viewpoints are reflected in the writing and arguments
Bias To Determine General Point of View: Title: Watch for loaded words Author: Title or Affiliation, Sponsors Presentation or Argument: Is the evidence from authoritative sources? Does the author refute opposing arguments?
Additional Questions for Evaluating Websites: What is the domain? (.gov / .edu) Who is sponsoring the site? Is there clear contact information? Is there a clear differentiation between content and advertisements? Does the site contain links to credible sites? How often is the site updated?
Source Analysis Descriptive and Critical Describe the contents of the source Address whether or not it is a credible source Explain how it is relevant to your research