CEL Innovation Room Serious Gaming Welcome CEL Innovation Room Serious Gaming
Programme Centre for Education and Learning 09.00 Registration 09.15 Welcome - Gerard Baars and Huib Pols 09.30 Introduction - Farshida Zafar 09.45 Stephanie Klein Nagelvoort-Schuit 10.30 Coffee break 11.00 Mary Dankbaar 11.45 Heide Lukosch 12.30 Lunch 13.15 Jeroen Jansz 14.00 Closing @LDECEL #CIR4
Serious Gaming The importance for higher education Centre for Education and Learning Serious Gaming The importance for higher education @LDECEL #CIR4
Thank you for participating in this Innovation Room Centre for Education and Learning Thank you for participating in this Innovation Room @LDECEL #CIR4