Santa Ana Unified School District Dept. of Research and Evaluation


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Presentation transcript:

Santa Ana Unified School District Dept. of Research and Evaluation Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 STAR Testing and Students with Disabilities: What Parents Should Know Santa Ana Unified School District Dept. of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019

Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 Presentation Goals By the end of this presentation… You will know about SAUSD achievement for students participating in Special Education You will know about the various STAR tests for students with disabilities You will know how to help your students prepare for STAR testing 6/18/2019

Students with Disabilities Improving Student Achievement for Students Participating in Special Education SAUSD Academic Performance Indicators (API) 5-Year Growth District-wide and Special Education API 5 Year Summary 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 5 Year Growth SAUSD 685 706 723 740 754 69 Students with Disabilities 490 497 519 583 604 114

Q: What tests do we administer in Santa Ana Unified School District? Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 Q: What tests do we administer in Santa Ana Unified School District? Standardized Testing And Reporting California Standards Test (CST) California Modified Assessment (CMA)  California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) Standards Based Test in Spanish (STS) (Your child may have taken one or more tests) Early Assessment Program (EAP) Our Focus for Today CST-series of achievement tests developed for CA public schools to assess state content standards. CMA-assessment for students who have an IEP, are receiving grade level instruction, & even w/interventions aren’t likely to achieve grade-level proficiency. The purpose is to allow students to demonstrate their achievement of the content standards. CAPA-individually administered performance assessment for students who have significant cognitive disabilities & are unable to take the CSTs w/accommodations or modifications or the CMA w/accommodations. STS-multiple choice tests that are required for Spanish-speaking English Learners who receive instruction in Spanish or have been enrolled in a school in the U.S. for less than 12 months cumulative (not consecutive). Assesses students’ achievement of CA content standards in the primary language. 6/18/2019

Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 When and Where? Q: When Does My Child Take the Tests? A: STAR is every Spring Q: Where Does My Child Take the Tests? A: STAR tests are administered at your child’s home school 6/18/2019

Q: How Are STAR Results Used to Help Students? Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 Q: How Are STAR Results Used to Help Students? Answer: STAR -Identify Academic Strengths and Needs -Meetings with Teachers -Alignment to Standards -California Reading List -A More Complete Picture 6/18/2019

Q: What might the test look like? Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 Q: What might the test look like? Let’s see what it looks like . . . And let’s try a few 6/18/2019

Differences between CST & CMA ELA 6/18/2019

Differences between CST & CMA ELA 6/18/2019

Differences between CST & CMA Math 6/18/2019

Differences between CST & CMA Science 6/18/2019

CAPA Sample Tasks - ELA 6/18/2019

What is an accommodation or modification? Accommodation? It is any variation in the testing environment or process that does not change what the test measures or affects the comparability of scores Ex. Having the math test read to the student or having a supervised break Modification? It is any variation in the assessment environment or process that fundamentally changes what the test measure or affects the comparability of scores Ex. Having the English-language arts test read to the student or using a calculator 6/18/2019

A word about accommodations . . . Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 A word about accommodations . . . Who can use them? If specified in the eligible student’s IEP or Section 504 plan for use on the examination, a student can use an approved accommodation or modification on standardized testing What are the most common? Most Common ‘11-’12 CST ELA Accommodations: Supervised Breaks Beneficial Time of Day Tested More than One Day Most Common ‘11-’12 CMA ELA Accommodations: Read Aloud (test questions/answer options) Admin. Test Beneficial Time of Day 6/18/2019

How can parents help with testing accommodations? Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 How can parents help with testing accommodations? Talk with the IEP team to make sure that they are reviewing the available testing accommodations and choosing those that will support your child best Be aware of the accommodations that have been selected and, if appropriate, practice using them at home (e.g. using manipulatives) Be positive about using accommodations 6/18/2019

*Note: Missing scores were not included in this analysis Why Take an Accommodation? STAR ELA 2011-2012 % CMA Performance Levels by Refusals and Test Type Taken Most Common ‘11-’12 CMA Accommodations: Read Aloud (n=1621), Supervised Breaks (n=576), Admin. Test Beneficial Time of Day (n=191) Most Common ‘10-’11 CMA Accommodations.: Read Aloud (n=1256), Supervised Breaks (n=549), Admin. Test Beneficial Time of Day (n=206) *Note: Missing scores were not included in this analysis

How can parents help their child/children prepare for testing?? 6/18/2019

What can I do to help my student prepare for the STAR? Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 What can I do to help my student prepare for the STAR? At the beginning of and throughout the year: Review the California Content Standards (with your child’s teacher) for each subject area Ask for the results of your child’s benchmark tests Encourage your child to read everyday Connect with your child’s teacher about his/her progress Say, “Hi!” to your child’s teacher Attend conferences Attend parent meetings Review your child’s STAR Student Report with your child Review your child’s report card with your child During testing: Ensure Proper Diet and Adequate Rest Before Testing Help Your Child Understand Teachers’ Behaviors During Testing Help Your Child Understand Their Own Behaviors During and After Testing Avoid Stressful or Emotional Situations in the Home, if possible 6/18/2019

Frequently Asked Questions Is it okay to guess on a test? Are the STAR tests timed? Can parents take a look at the tests?

Reference and On-line Resources Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 Reference and On-line Resources (2010). A parent’s handbook: Your child and standardized tests, grades 3-5. Channing Bete Company. California Department of Education STAR website at: 6/18/2019

Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019

Resources: 6/18/2019

Santa Ana Unified School District Office of Research and Evaluation 6/18/2019 Contact Information Dept. of Research and Evaluation Santa Ana Unified School District (714) 558-5850 Phone (714) 558-5573 FAX 6/18/2019