Sequence similarity network of 436 TonB-dependent transporters from 153 different Roseobacter genomes. Sequence similarity network of 436 TonB-dependent transporters from 153 different Roseobacter genomes. The network is displayed with an E value threshold of 10−110 (corresponding to ~34% sequence identity). Increasing edge opacity is proportional to decreasing E value. The 45 sequences in group 4 all have shared synteny with the TM1040 heme transport cluster, and 23 sequences in group 5 are also syntenic (dark gray nodes indicate sequences that lack neighborhood synteny). Sulfitobacter sp. strain SA11, Ruegeria sp. strain TrichCH4B, and Ruegeria sp. strain TM1040 heme TonB-dependent transporters are highlighted for reference. Shane L. Hogle et al. mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00124-16