Advancing Equity in Outcomes Through Guided Learning Pathways


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Presentation transcript:

Advancing Equity in Outcomes Through Guided Learning Pathways June 7, 2019 Advancing Equity in Outcomes Through Guided Learning Pathways Ron Anderson, Senior Vice Chancellor

Equity and Transformative Inclusion Innovation and Evolution Guided Learning Pathways Student Experience and Engagement Innovation and Evolution We are re-envisioning higher education as a collective and collaborative enterprise where innovation and evolution are integral to our culture Guided Learning Pathways We are re-envisioning all learning pathways to create multiple and equitable paths to personal and professional development, credentials, and careers for lifelong success Focus on both the how, and the what of our work. Student Experience and Engagement We are re-envisioning and enhancing the entire student experience to improve student success and effectively grow and manage enrollment

Guided Learning Pathways Collective Strategy: Guided Learning Pathways Curriculum design and delivery Comprehensive Orientation and First Year Experience Holistic Advising Supported with appropriate technology tools, including an integrated graduation planner DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY

Curriculum Design Culturally relevant and responsive Coherent, with content and learning outcomes clearly aligned Aligned with statewide transfer pathway Required and elective courses are clearly articulated Active, collaborative, applied, and experiential learning experiences are designed throughout the pathway Co-curricular learning opportunities aligned DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY

Curriculum Delivery Assessment processes student learning outcomes clearly articulated, executed, and used to improve instruction and student learning Define default course sequences articulated, and consistently scheduled based on student needs Milestone courses articulated tracked DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY

Comprehensive Orientation and First Year Experience Pre-arrival, online orientation on transactional areas Extended on-campus and/or online orientation is provided, including interactive sessions navigating Financial aid and emergency financial resources Academic support Student engagement opportunities Basic needs resources available to students Social belonging intervention Bystander intervention programming Career assessment and exploration DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY

Holistic Advising Integrated advising linked to FYE courses and learning communities and student success courses Intrusive advising by designated faculty/staff Recognition of milestone achievements Early alert process for students who show signs of academic or social trouble Required advising when students veer off selected pathway DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY

Building upon and aligning: Equity by Design Developmental Education Redesign Multiple measures Professional Development Curriculum redesign CTE Career Pathways Transfer Pathways Student Basic Needs Credit for Prior Learning DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY

Discussion Questions How does this framework align with your current activities? What have we missed? What types of support will you need to implement this framework? DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY