IQGAP3 is a novel member of the IQGAP family. IQGAP3 is a novel member of the IQGAP family. (A) Schematic representation of the IQGAP family. The domain structures and amino acid homologies are indicated. CHD, calponin homology domain; IQ repeats, IQGAP-specific repeats; IQ motif, a calmodulin binding motif; GRD, RasGAP-related domain; RasGAP C, RasGAP C terminus. (B) Total extracts from the indicated EGFP-fused IQGAP-expressing COS7 cells were subjected to immunoblot analysis with each anti-IQGAP antibody. Each antibody detected tagged IQGAP in a specific manner. Note that EGFP-IQGAP3 migrated further than IQGAP2. The results shown are representative of four independent experiments. (C) The expression of the IQGAP family in various rat tissues. Actin was monitored as a loading control. Equal amounts of total proteins were subjected to immunoblot analysis, except for IQGAP1 from lung and spleen, for which only half amount of was loaded because of its high level expression. The results represent three independent experiments. Shujie Wang et al. J Cell Sci 2007;120:567-577 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2007