UNIVERSITY TOP 10 Understanding What to Expect as a Future University Student
Education After High School Heading Off to University… Selecting a Program/Major Independence Greater Accountability Leadership, Sports, Recreation, Clubs Moving Away from Home Financial Decisions It’s Different!
What to Expect as a Future University Student…
#10 – Work Load: How Does it Compare? Time management is important - use an agenda! Much more independent Fewer daily reminders More out of class work expected Less leniency regarding deadlines Higher expectations Readings should be completed before class They often supplement (not mimic) lectures As a rule: You should be doing 1 hour “out of class,” for every hour in class (reading, assignments, review, etc.)
#9 – Class Time: How Much is There? Full-time students typically take 5 courses per term Fall: September - December Winter: January – April Classes range from 3-6 hours of scheduled time per week Lectures Labs or Tutorials On average, you will spend 15-25 hours per week in class.
#8 – How Much Will it Cost? Tuition fees vary by school, program, and year level e.g. 2016-17 fees at Lakehead ranged from $6800 - $8500 Other costs such as Books, Parking, Supplies & Materials, Residence, etc. should be considered Example: Lakehead University 2017-2018 On-Campus Residence + Meal Plan = $10,495 - $11,819/year Tuition & Ancillary Fees = $6800 - $8500/year Books = ~ $1500/year Transportation ~$400 - $1000/year Entertainment & Personal Expenses - ~$1500/year *TOTAL COST (ON CAMPUS) ~ $20,000/year * Actual cost varies by student based on personal choices and needs
#7 – Are there Financial Aid Options to Help Fund My Education? YES! Government Loans/Grants: Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) Ontario Student Grant University Awards & Financial Aid Offers: Bursaries (demonstrate financial need) Scholarships (based on academic merit/performance) On-Campus Employment Opportunities (Work Study)
#7 – Financial Aid options, continued Let’s Take A Look At an Example: Academic Average Scholarship Total (value per year) Scholarships Available 95.0% & Over = FREE TUITION1 (Free Tuition x 4 years) UNLIMITED 90.0% - 94.9% = $10,0002 (2,500 X 4 Years) 85.0% - 89.9% = $5,0002 ($1,250 x 4 Years) 80.0% - 84.9% = $3,0002 ($750 x 4 Years) Bursaries: up to $2000/year available! Other Awards & Scholarships
#6 – How Will I Have to Adjust to University? High School University Tips Class Time Monday-Friday 8:45am-2:30pm 15-25 hours / week, variable schedule More free time – use it wisely! Course Load 4 courses per term, in most schools 5 courses per term Students may find a reduced course load to be helpful but using time management techniques is vital to staying on track. Class size 30 Varies by universities. Range between less than 30 to over 1000 students. In large classes it’s tougher to make connections with faculty/other students. Learning Environment Very structured. Less structured. Attendance is often not taken but missing class is detrimental to your academic success. Expectation of Independence Medium High Meet with Professors and pay close attention to your workload. Reach out when you need help! Assessment/ Evaluation Lots of evaluation Projects, tests, assignments, etc. Based on tests, exams and 1 or 2 larger assignments. It is not uncommon to have a test/project worth 25-40% of your final grade.
#5 - How Can I Prepare for University Now? Start your research early so you can make an educated decision Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a student and develop a plan to tackle areas of difficulty Do you wait until the last minute to complete assignments? Are certain subjects more challenging for you? Set your own goals Be resourceful – take advantage of supports available before and after applying Treat school like a full-time job The more effort you give, the better the end result will be!
#4 – How Do I Select My Courses? You design your own timetable! Most programs have specific courses you are required to take Aside from required courses, there will be opportunities to explore a wider variety of elective courses Academic Advisors are available on campus to help you ensure you are taking the right courses to fulfill degree requirements At Lakehead, online registration begins in June FAST PASS
#3 - What Is Residence Life Like? Residence is like a small community within the University Research shows students living in residence perform better academically! Lots of programming, support and ways to get involved There is always someone to talk to, commons rooms to hang out, and there are quiet spaces throughout Close to campus, convenient, food plans often included Often there will be a senior student acting as a Resident Advisor (RA) or Don for the floor Security is on-campus 24/7
#2 – Who Can Help Me If I’m Struggling? Every post secondary institution has options and help available for students that need it and want it. Students need to take the first step to seek help. Some resources will include: Academic advisors Personal counsellors Accessibility and Academic Skills advisors Course instructors Financial aid advisors Library staff
#1 - How Do I Know What University is Right for Me? It’s all about the best fit! Campus size and feel City in which the campus is located Program of your choice Opportunities to succeed Faculty interaction opportunities It just feels like home! Tip: Visit the campus for a Campus Tour!!
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