Advertising ELL 3044
Info Gap With your partner, try to find out where the names of different companies come from. Don’t show your partner the information you have. Where does McDonald’s get its name? This restaurant began in 1940 as a BBQ restaurant named after its owners. It was famous for making food quickly – fast food.
Where Do These Companies Get Their Names? 1. What does KIA mean? 2. Where does LEGO get its name? 3. Where does Reebok get its name? 4. Where does Pepsi get its name? 5. Where does Google get its name? 6. Where does Volkswagen get its name? 7. Where does LG get its name? 8. Where does Starbucks get its name? 1. Where does Coca Cola get its name? 2. Where does Nike get its name? 3. Where does Audi get its name? 4. Where does Nintendo get its name? 5. Where does BMW get its name? 6. What store posts its hours (its opening to closing hours) in its name? 7. Where does Samsung get its name? 8. Where does IKEA get its name?
Advertisements 1. Which advertisements do you like the most? 2. How are the advertisements different? How are they appealing to you? 3. What is the purpose of advertising? 4. Do you buy luxury brands?
Humor (pathos) Nutrition facts (logos) Dentist recommended (ethos) Sex appeal (pathos) Sports professional (ethos) Speeding facts (logos)
1. a commercial 2. a target market 3. a jingle 4. word of mouth 5. a logo 6. bandwagon effect 7. a pamphlet /a flier 8. a spokesman 9. a mascot 10. product placement a. a catchy song or slogan or music that people remember and is connected to a product b. become interested in something because everyone is buying it, doing it, participating in it and you do not want to be left out c. people talking about a product d. an advertisement on television e. the group of people the product is aimed at f. a paper that advertises g. a symbol connected with the product h. a person who speaks for the company they represent i. inserting a product into a TV show, movie to advertise j. an an animal, person, or thing adopted by a group as its representative symbol and supposed to bring good luck.
Globally known logos
Who do these ads appeal to?
what is the point of advertising? Advertising – grabbing attention to inform people and sell your product (creating need – motivating the people to get them to buy your product). Advertising (advertisen – to notify, to take notice of) 5000 ads / day (notice around 150 - 350) $630,000,000,000 spent on advertising globally in 2018 increasing to $757,000,000 by 2021 - Most recognized word in the world “OK” - Second most recognized word in the world “Coca-Cola”
ethics in advertising… Is it okay? Discussion 1. What types of commercials appeal to you? 2. How can you tell if an advertisement is successful? 3. Is there a product you buy because of the spokesperson, commercial or product placement? ethics in advertising… Is it okay? 1. Selling weapons and other deadly products. 2. Using nudity in advertisements. 3. Promoting alcohol and tobacco through ads. 4. Having sports teams promote products. 5. Showing commercials aimed at children.
ethics in advertising…
The acting was very dramatic, like an opera. Soap opera (1920 ~ ) Is a type of show (first radio, then TV) that airs in the afternoon (1pm-5pm) for housewives. The acting was very dramatic, like an opera. Soap, detergent, shampoo, laundry soap companies used to show their commercials during this time. These advertisements were aimed at housewives. That is where the name soap opera comes from.
advertising’s effect on women
Sexism in advertisements