The legal component, one of the key segments for NSDI development in Republic of Macedonia Sonja Dimova, state advisor for geomatics AGENCY FOR REAL ESTATE CADASTRE
AREC competence for NSDI LAW FOR REAL ESTATE CADASTRE – 2013 (Official Gazette of R.M. no. 55 dated 16.04.2013 ) Article 8 The Agency is authorized to: - Manage the geodetic-cadastre information system; - Perform basic geodetic works; - Perform real property survey; - Perform survey and maintenance of the state borderline; - Perform geodetic works for special purposes - Establish and maintain the real estate cadastre; - Perform mass valuation of real properties registered in the real estate cadastre - Establish and administer the graphic registry of construction land; - Produce topographic maps; - Administration a spatial units register; - Administration graphic registry of streets and house numbers, - Establishing, maintaining and providing public access to the National Spatial Data Infrastructure in compliance to a separate law; - Monitor and supervise the performance of the sole proprietors – authorized surveyors and the trade companies for geodetic works. (2) The survey and the maintenance of the state borderline as well as the geodetic works for special purposes of significance to the Republic of Macedonia shall be performed by the Agency. (3) The geodetic works for special purposes stipulated in paragraph 2 of this Article are defined by a Decision enacted by the Government of Republic of Macedonia
Base for NSDI First NSDI Strategy 2010-2012 Define Strategic Mission and Vision Build Business Case Define Governance Structures Legal Framework Interoperability Infrastructure Outreach and Capacity Building NSDI Implementation Roadmap Alignment with European and National Policy Business Requirements Political will & engagement INSPIRE Transposition Existing IT Infrastructure Stakeholder Engagement Outline Programme Plan Business Model NSDI Coordination Body NSDI Regulations Geospatial Data Interoperability Forum Mission and Vision Roles and Responsibilities Funding Model Data Sharing Regulations Metadata Use case development Objectives Inter-Ministerial Working Groups Performance Monitoring Partnering Model Interoperability of Spatial Data Pilot Applications Guiding Principles Risk Management Cost Benefit Analysis Private/public sector engagement Network Services Training ToR for Government Geoportal Communications Plan Data Sharing Promotional Materials Base for NSDI Registries Government Geoportal
-Preparation of NSDI law finished (September) 2012 Government of R.M. established a WG for preparation of NSDI law (September) 2013 -Preparation of NSDI law finished (September) -Open debate for NSDI law -Law for NSDI is in Government procedure for adoption (December) 2014 -Macedonian government adopted the NSDI law -Macedonian parliament adopted the NSDI law 2016 -NSDI law was amended. Two new members included
NSDI LAW (Official Gazette of R.M. no.38/2014 and 106/2016 ) General provisions Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services Data-sharing Bodies, Coordination and complementary measures Final provisions TRANSPOSITION = 72%
Article 5 & INSPIRE Annexes 1,2,3 Coordinate reference systems; Geographical grid systems; Geographical names; Administrative units; Addresses; Cadastre parcels; Transport networks; Hydrography; Protected sites. ANNEX 2 Elevation; Land cover; Ortho imagery; Geology. ANNEX 3 Statistical units; Buildings; Soil; Land use; Human health and safety; Utility and governmental services; Environmental monitoring facilities; Production and industrial facilities; Agricultural and aquaculture facilities; Population distribution-demography;-Area management/restriction,… units-Natural risk zones; Atmospheric conditions; Metrological geographical features; Oceanographic geographical features; Sea regions; Bio-geographical regions; Habitats and Biotopes; Species distribution; Energy resources; Mineral resources.
REALISED NSDI GOVERNANCE NSDI Council NSDI Committee Working groups Legal Technical PR and awareness Economy
Members of the NSDI Council 1. Ministry of Justice 2. Ministry for Defense 3. Ministry of Internal Affairs 4. Ministry of Economy 5. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management 6. Ministry of Local Self - Government 7. Ministry of Culture 8. Ministry of Transport and Communications 9. Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning 10. Ministry of Information Society and Administration 11. Secretary for implementation of frame agreement 12. State Statistical Office 13. Agency for Real Estate Cadastre 14. Agency for Spatial Planning 15. Central Registry of Republic of Macedonia 16. Center for Crisis Management City of Skopje 18. Economic Chamber of Republic of Macedonia 19. Geological institute of Republic of Macedonia 20. Association of economic chambers of R. Macedonia
NSDI Council/ Working groups/ Committee
Implementation of the national geo-portal -ToR for development and implementation of NSDI geo-portal -Establishment of the NSDI geo-portal GENERAL STRUCTURE Center for crises management City of Skopje Ministry of environment State statistical office
National geo-portal Web-based solution which enables searching and publishing of the spatial data and services Has possibility for publication of the geo-spatial data by the all NSDI members A third party with permission can to link his data and services to the portal
Functionalities Provides a tool for creating meta data (metadata editor) Search by key words Data catalog E payment for data & services Contains a map viewer application
Type of users Ministries (internal user-NSDI member) Government Agencies (internal user-NSDI member) External users (third party-private companies and citizen) Administrator
Data/services according INSPIRE
Data sharing agreement Prepared by legal WG Goal-Easier exchange of data/services Accepted by NSDI Committee NSDI Council gave positive opinion Information sent to the Government of Republic of Macedonia 9 NSDI subjects signed agreement Annex 1 List of datasets and services for which the NSDI Subject is responsible Annex 2 Request for activating/excluding the right of access to datasets exchange
Next steps Technical Enrich the number of data and services on the geo-portal Creating an interoperable infrastructure Building capacities for production of updated spatial Data and Services Legal Enlarge the number of signed data sharing agreement Develop bylaws for metadata and network services Protect Data Governance Raising the awareness about NSDI and Informing the stakeholders about the significance of the NSDI and encouraging them to get involved Finance Financial support from the state budget Other models for funding
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