Persuasive Essay Outline I. Introduction A. Statistic on smoking and American health care (sources) B. Background on dangers of second hand smoke (sources) C. The threat and potential danger of smoking in public and second hand smoke is an issue that must be addressed through federal, state, and local legislation. II. History and impact of the problem A. Development and extent of problem (sources) B. Past attempts at solutions (sources) C. It has been proven that second hand smoke is a major contributor to potential public health dangers. D. Sources: American Health Issues (pp. 233-245) Hansen journal article Arizona Republic article (5/21/05)
III. Smoking and second hand smoke is a financial burden (argument 1) A. The effects of smoking and second hand smoke are a major economic burden on the American health care system. B. American Health Issues (pp. 332-334) Johnson journal article Van Nigh research study on smoking Public Health Issues Website ( <>) IV. Public safety v. individual rights (argument 2) A. The dangers second hand smoke presents to private citizens far outweighs the individual’s right to smoke. B. US Government v. Jones and Ross 2004 State of Californian v. Errey 2002 Pollard journal article US Public Health Issues Website ( <>) Everett Koop Institute Website (<>)
V. Public smoking bans affect small business owners in a negative way (argument 3 - refuting opposition) A. Opponents of public smoking bans claim that government imposed restrictions have a negative impact on the small business owner B. Long term research in areas that have imposed bans do not support the contention that bans have had a negative impact on small business owners. C. Fiscal year revenue statistics for Orange and San Francisco Counties 2005 John O’Neal Interview Los Angeles Times article (7/15/05) VI. Possible long term solutions A. Public bans that offer alternatives to small businesses (sources). B. Financial incentives for local governments that support bans (sources). C. Public awareness and education on the risks of both first and second hand smoke (sources). VII. Conclusion (Call to Action). A. Second hand smoke is a considerable danger to all Second hand smoke presents a financial burden to tax payers Public safety outweighs individual rights B. The threat and potential danger of second hand smoke is an issue that must be addressed through federal, state, and local legislation. C. Federal, state, and local governments must begin to more stringently impose and enforce public smoking bans.