Saint Benedict Tutor Presentation
School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Tie Clip on tie – will be the Green tie To be worn at all times. Blazer School blazer with embroidered school logo. Only badges permitted on a blazer are those given out by school e.g. achievement, commendations. To be worn at all times in the school building, only removed with staff permission. Sleeves to be kept long.
School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Shirt White traditional school shirt with formal collar. Long or short sleeves. No three-quarter sleeves allowed. No logos. No tailored, fitted blouses. Jumper (optional) A grey jumper, v-necked, long sleeved (school logo). Blazer must be worn on top. Cardigans are not permitted.
School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Mid-grey tailored trousers Mid-grey, waist high. Moderate style. Plain material. No patterns or decorations. No black trousers. No side “leg” pockets. No tight fitting trousers, all should be of a tailored style. Worn at waist height. Mid-grey pleated skirt Mid-grey, waist high, knee-length. Must be pleated. No more than 5cm gap between knee and hem length. No tight fitting material (no tube skirts).
School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Ankle socks Plain black or grey (white for girls only). Tights Plain black colour. 40 denier or higher.
School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Shoes Black, traditional school shoes. Preferably with a strap, laces or buckle. No boots or trainer type shoes. Slip on shoes may only be worn if they cover the top of the foot giving protection to the whole foot. Coat Plain, no patterns, no large logos. No “hoodies” or sports jackets- these will be confiscated. Blazers must always be worn beneath.
School Dress Code Item Description Notes and Exclusions Earrings One small discreet silver or gold stud in each ear lobe. Studs only. No other piercings are allowed. Hair styles Must be conventional, smart and traditional. Tram lines and patterns are not allowed. Must not be dyed or braided with unnatural colours. NOT ALLOWED Make up, nail varnish, coloured hair, false nails or false eyelashes and jewellery (other than small studs and one plain ring).
School Dress Code PE Kit Boys PE and Dance Wear Royal blue football shorts (2 pairs recommended) White polo shirt (school logo)** White sports ankle socks Training shoes (NB – soles must be non-marking) Rugby shirt – Royal blue/White band (school logo)** Royal blue football socks Football boots (moulded studs) Shin pads Optional Items Tracksuit bottoms, MUST be plain black or navy Blue Hoodie (school logo)** Astro turf shoes Mouth guard Girls PE and Dance Wear Royal blue football shorts White polo shirt (school logo)** White sports ankle socks Training shoes (NB – soles must be non-marking) Royal blue football socks Shin pads Optional Items Tracksuit bottoms, MUST be plain black or navy Blue Hoodie (school logo)** Astroturf shoes Mouth guard
Equipment Pencil Case Black Pen x2 Red Pen Pencil Eraser Pencil Sharpener Colouring Pencils Ruler Pair of Compasses Scientific Calculator Protractor Planner Reading Book
Planners Each student will be issued with a planner Timetable Record homework Contains key information Allows communication with home To be signed every week Homework minimum is 30 mins per subject per fortnight with higher frequency subjects more regular.
Structure of the day Timings Activity 8.30 Arrive 8.40 – 9.00 Registration/Assembly 9.00 – 10.00 Period 1 10.00 -11.00 Period 2 11.00-11.15 Break 11.15-11.20 Movement 11.20-12.20 Period 3 12.20-13.10* Period 4 FIRST HALF TERM ONLY 13.10*-13.55 Lunch FIRST HALF TERM ONLY 13.55-14.00 14.00-15.00 Period 5 Mention Week A/B
Tutor Time
What will they be doing in form time? Develop Leadership Charity Friendship Faith Current affairs Organise events Problem solving Reading Communication skills Prayer Thought for the day Planning Debate ideas Resilience Independence
First Day, Friday 6th September Arrive at Saint Benedict for the start of the day, either on the bus or by 8.30. When the bell goes at 8.40 go to the north block courts. Wear the Saint Benedict uniform. Act of Worship followed by form time. Lunchtime: students may use canteen facilities to buy lunch or bring a packed lunch. End of normal school day at 3:00pm. If collecting your child please do not walk onto the school grounds, wait at the gate. If you are picking them up please use the surrounding area.
Any Questions
Who to Contact If you have any concerns or questions please contact the school: Pastoral Support Assistant or Head of Year Form Tutor staff You can either phone the school or e-mail; your concern/question will be directed to the appropriate person.