Identification of aging-related genes and affected biological processes. Identification of aging-related genes and affected biological processes. (A) Experimental outline schematic. RNA samples were extracted from heads and thoraces of 3-, 10-, 30- and 45-day-old control samples, and from 10-day-old Cdk5α-null and Cdk5α-OE samples. Five replicates of each sample were collected for microarray analysis. (B) An example of a gene (Arc1) showing increased expression with age. Our analysis identified genes with this pattern, or the reverse pattern, as aging-related. (C) Identification of genes positively or negatively correlated with age in head tissue. The green line represents the observed correlation values; the red line represents the correlation estimates when true age is randomized. The randomized set was used to establish significance cutoffs. The vertical red lines indicate correlation values with a corrected P-value equal to 0.05 (see Materials and methods). The same procedure was used to define aging-related genes in the thorax (not shown). The full list of aging-related probes is available in Table S1. (D) Gene ontology (GO) analysis of aging-related genes from head and thorax tissue samples. GO analysis was performed on each set of affected probes using DAVID. The resulting annotated clusters were grouped together based on similarity of biological modules; only the highest enrichment score for each ontology group is presented here. Full DAVID results are available in Tables S5,S6. By DAVID's statistical analysis, an enrichment score >1.3 has a P-value <0.05. Joshua Spurrier et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2018;11:dmm031161 © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd