ICAO EUR HLSC Preparatory Seminar 9-11 February 2010 Baku, Azerbaijan Theme 1: The foundation for global aviation safety Topic 1.1:The ICAO safety framework
HLSC 2010 WP/2 Summary Presents a proposal to improve delivery of ICAOs safety objectives through the development of a data driven management system to coordinate and execute safety programmes in a harmonised and effective way The Conference is invited to note information provided, comment as necessary and agree with the proposed concept ICAO EUR High Level Safety Conference Preparatory Seminar
Introduction Relationship between operational improvements and safety programmes Ever-increasing complexity and dynamic nature of contemporary civil aviation system requires an integrated and proactive approach ICAO Business Plan provides: Specific action plans for each of Strategic objectives Each activity is linked to costs and performance metrics Improved resource allocation based on agreed priorities ICAO EUR High Level Safety Conference Preparatory Seminar
Discussion Input to CAO Business plan: ICAO executive bodies Secretariat Expert groups Regional meetings International organizations 39 Programmes supported by 200 projects ICAO EUR High Level Safety Conference Preparatory Seminar
Discussion Programmes and projects related to the Strategic Objective of Safety Transition of the USOAP towards the CMA Implementation of the SSP and SMS Development of a Global safety exchange system Support to the establishment of the Regional Safety Oversight Organisations Development of the Regional aviation safety groups Current system served well but a better management system is needed to commensurate the growing dynamicity and complexity ICAO EUR High Level Safety Conference Preparatory Seminar
Proposal Data driven management system to coordinate and execute implementation programmes Transparent system: Support safety risk-based decision making Assess the progress through performance metrics Convention on International Civil Aviation provides rules guiding ICAO safety framework ICAO EUR High Level Safety Conference Preparatory Seminar
Proposal 3 categories of ICAO safety activities Standardization and policy making Implementation and corrective actions Monitoring and analysis 4 pillars of ICAO safety framework Accountability Integrated safety data Performance metrics Safety decision making intelligence ICAO EUR High Level Safety Conference Preparatory Seminar
Conclusions The ICAO safety framework is a conceptual approach Decision making includes risk based performance monitoring and analysis of integrated safety data Immediate effect for Organisation Aviation community as a whole will benefit in the medium and long term ICAO EUR High Level Safety Conference Preparatory Seminar