Procedural Environmental Rights of Local Communities in Transboundary Protected Areas: How to strengthen Transboundary Biodiversity Governance Emma Mitrotta PhD Candidate School of International Studies University of Trento (Italy)
Main argument Local communities are entitled to Procedural Environmental Rights in TBPAs as public concerned with positive results in terms of transboundary biodiversity governance
Relevant aspects of P.E.R.s Public concerned Non-discrimination
Local communities & conservation Principle 10 and 22 Rio Declaration Ramsar CoP Resolution VII.8 CBD Art. 8(j) and CoP Decision VII.28 IUCN PAs Matrix Category V ‘Protected Landscape/Seascape’ Governance Type D ‘Governance by indigenous people and local communities’
Meaningful participation of local communities in decision-making and management of PAs contributes to good governance
Community Participation in PAs based on: Human Rights (as political participation) International environmental regimes Ecological justifications Good governance & success of PAs Aarhus Convention
P.E.R.s in PAs Access to information Participation Access to remedies Without request Upon request Participation Conceptually Practically Access to remedies
Public concerned Those affected or likely to be affected by, or having an interest in, the environmental decision- making related to PAs
Local communities as public concerned in PAs Live within or adjacent to PAs Hold or claim rights over these areas Place spiritual or cultural values
What happens in TBPAs ?
Transboundary Protected Areas To frame tb conservation efforts To govern tb natural resources and ecosystems effectively To expand conservation areas & integrate them with the surrounding environment To reconnect communities (peace parks)
Similarly… in TBPAs Local communities as important as in national contexts Same conditions for good governance and P.E.R.s Non-discrimination TBPAs management principles Aarhus Convention Art. 3(7)
Democratization of environmental processes Conclusions Community participation in TBPAs… Democratization of environmental processes Subsidiarity applied to tb conservation initiatives Empowered communities & good governance of shared natural resources Conservation of biodiversity at local & global level
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