The Role of Evaluation in Public Health The Big Picture The Role of Evaluation in Public Health
Objectives Understand the value doing program evaluations Describe the CDC steps to program evaluation Understand the training process we will use
What Is Evaluation? A means of determining the value of something – is it worthwhile, useful, or important. It answers the question: “Are we making a difference?”
Why Do It? Be accountable to funders and to the public Illustrate how you make a difference Help make decisions about resource allocation Document and measure progress Communicate what you do
Why We Don’t No time No reason (We know what we need to do) Prescribed system in place (We already count activities) Don’t know how No context (How do I begin?) If we do it, then what? Perceived by some as punitive, exclusionary Not easy
Your Stories . Examples from the class
When Should We Do It? For a program Design phase Early implementation phase Established, sustained phase
Resources Hopefully, you, after taking this course Time and dollars (10%) should be devoted to evaluation
Goals for a Good Evaluation Feasible Useable Accurate Ethical
CDC Evaluation Framework
Process of Teaching Program Evaluation Lecturette: concepts, principles of each step Practice: application of knowledge Completion of templates: application to own projects
Your Current Knowledge and Practice 5 4 3 2 1 High level proficiency: can instruct and mentor others on how to conduct effective program evaluations Proficient: can confidently perform program evaluations and show others how to accomplish them Good knowledge: understand concepts and principles and can use in my job as needed Limited knowledge: aware of concepts and principles and have limited practical experience Awareness: have an understanding, but no practical experience No understanding
Your Program Evaluation Goal 5 4 3 2 1 High level proficiency: can instruct and mentor others on how to conduct effective program evaluations Proficient: can confidently perform program evaluations and show others how to accomplish them Good knowledge: understand concepts and principles and can apply them to my program, as needed Limited knowledge: aware of concepts and principles and can begin to use them with assistance Awareness: have an understanding of the concepts and principals of a program evaluation No understanding
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