Cryomodule Test Schedule


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Presentation transcript:

Cryomodule Test Schedule M. Drury 11-Nov-2018

Outline Schedule Staffing Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule The schedule presented addresses the first test of two cryomodules in the LERF Expect this round of testing to be the worst case in terms of schedule time Debugging new systems General lack of familiarity with new controls Developing new testing procedures. We can expect to shave Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule: Cool Down Cool Down depends on CHL schedule Need CHL to 4K before u-tube operations Pump down of the LERF modules coincides with CHL pump down of the linacs to 2K Start simultaneous Cool downs on 1/3/19 (2nd day back after break) The modules must be at 4K, stable and full of liquid before 01/14 If all goes well, the modules are ready for pump down by 01/09 Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule: Pre-checks and prep work HPRF pre-checks (SSA’s already checked out into shorts etc) Complete RF Cable calibrations All GM tubes are in correct locations Check all waveguide flange connections at couplers and at SSA outputs. Check all coax cable connections Field probes Directional couplers Arc detectors in place ~ Two shifts to complete 01/15 – 01/16 Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule: Pre-checks and prep work Interlock Checks –both cryomodules - 1 shift PSS to Power Permit SSA’s - High Voltage On and RF On Cavities to RF On Check each interlock to ensure that RF permit is removed Beamline Vacuum – all eight permits Coupler Vacuum – all eight permits Arc detectors Fire test LED’s – each cavity Coupler temps Force trip by lowering trip level below temperature reading for each of two sensors on each coupler. At end of test, ensure trip levels are correctly set Stepper Temps Force trip by lowering trip level below temperature reading for each sensor on each tuner. At end of test, ensure trip levels are correctly set. ~ Two shifts – complete 01/17 Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule: Tuners Tuner Tests (both cryomodules) Set up cavity at low gradient. (No higher than 5 MV/m) Exercise each mechanical tuner Verify acceptance criteria for mechanical tuners Each cavity left at 1300.000 MHz Exercise piezo tuners Verify acceptance criteria for piezo tuning (range) Two piezos per cavity ~ 1 hour per cavity – two shifts of tuning Budget 3 shifts in case there are issues Coupler (FPC) tuning Manual tuning – low power rf with network analyzer locally (in vault) Tune all couplers to 4x107 ~ 2 days Complete by 01/23 Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule : Maximum Gradient Measure Qext’s (FPC, field probe, HOM’s) (at initial gradient ~ 8 MV/m) Probe calibration Monitor predetermined signal list using strip tools Ramp up gradient in SEL Pulsed mode (low duty cycle < 10%) Automated ramp routine? (if not then gradients raised manually at set increments and intervals) Ramp from 8 MV/m until gradient limit is reached Limits include repeatable quenches, admin limits, repeatable trips from interlocks monitor for field emission Repeat ramp from (limiting gradient – 3 MV/m) up to limiting gradient in SEL CW mode. Verify CW limiting gradient One hour run at Usable Gradient Usable Gradient = (quench gradient – ½ MV/m) or admin limit or field emission limited gradient. At end of one hour, automated ramp down to collect FE data, frequency vs. gradient If one hour run fails, lower gradient by ~1/2 MV/m and try again. Re-measure Qext’s at Usable Gradient and at 16 MV/m Budget ~ 8 hours per cavity for untested module, ~ 4 hours per cavity for tested module Complete by 01/31 Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule : Fast Cool Down and Qo Measurements Temp Bump / Fast Cool Down Budget ~5 days to complete both cryomodules Must be scheduled with input and approval of the Cryo Group and may effect thee schedule. Qo’s Mass flow method Needs procedural development ~ 1 week to develop Allot ~2 hours per data point at first (after development) Time required may decrease with experience ~ 8 hours per cavity to start (after development cycle) Back up plan – dP/dt method Complete by 02/26 Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule: Multiple Cavity Operations In general, set gradients in all cavities in a cryomodule at 16 MV/m or at the “Usable Gradient” if lower than 16 MV/m. GDR mode operation Ramp each cavity up to target gradient Cryo Operator monitors pressure, level in primary Monitors 5K ckt – adjusts flow as necessary Adjusts heater power down in LERF modules to compensate for increased dynamic load. With all cavities at target gradients - soak until coupler temps reach equilibrium temperature ~ 6 – 10 hours Perform procedure on each cryomodule in turn Perform procedure with both cryomodules Budget ~ 3 shifts per operation Multiple cavity operations must be scheduled with input and approval from the Cryo Group which may affect the schedule. Complete by 03/05 After completion of these tests – modules can be warmed up with Cryo Group approval Earliest date – 03/06 Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Schedule assumes two shifts a day, M-F This schedule does not account for potential remote operations outside the Test Plan. Might not fully account for “debugging” While the schedule is somewhat conservative, will likely run longer. If testing runs past the end of Winter Physics Run (03/12) could be halted by CHL work. Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Overall Schedule Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Staffing Test Operators are initially selected from a list of personnel that have experience testing cryomodules in both the CMTF and in the CEBAF accelerator. Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

List of Potential Test Operators Staffing List of Potential Test Operators RF Test Anna Solopova – Lead RF Test Operator Janice Nelson - SLAC Bob Legg Mike Drury Mike McCaughan Gigi Ciovati Steve Dutton Cryo Test Naeem Huque – Lead Frank Humphry Leonard Page Peter Owen Mike Drury Liang Zhao Expect that SLAC will contribute Visiting Operators Expect some help from Ops during Down time Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018

Test Plan is well defined at the top level Summary Test Plan is well defined at the top level Some development work is required to deal with new measurement schemes and new hardware As currently scheduled, testing is compatible with CEBAF Operations Any operations that may have an effect on CHL stability will be scheduled with input and approval of the Cryo Group. Transition to Operations Review 12 Nov 2018