Come ye here in adoration, see God’s love revealed this morn, see fulfilled the soul’s deep longing in this little child newborn. See the Word who lies.


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Presentation transcript:

Come ye here in adoration, see God’s love revealed this morn, see fulfilled the soul’s deep longing in this little child newborn. See the Word who lies here speechless. See the King without a crown. He, almighty, now lacks all things, he, the light by night come down; he, the good, so pure and gentle, finds no lodging in his town. [Sing to the Lord 251]

how they try to keep him warm, he who in his Godhead travels 2. Come and see how they receive him, how they try to keep him warm, he who in his Godhead travels with the lightning and the storm. See him lying in discomfort, seeming not to understand, he who gives delight in heaven, who the world in wisdom planned. See how fragile is this infant who holds all things in his hand.

who adopts our earthly state, may I grow through your example, 3. Dear Lord Jesus, God and mortal, who adopts our earthly state, may I grow through your example, may your smallness make me great. Make me strong with gentle fingers, wise through your simplicity, make me rich through your privation, may your bondage set me free, may your sorrow make me joyful, may your death give life to me. Sing to the Lord 251 Public domain Text: Traditional medieval Dutch carol, author unknown Tune: Traditional medieval Dutch carol; harm. composite