Digital Signal Processing Spring, 2019 School of Computer Science and Engineering Pusan National University Jeong Goo Kim
Class Day/Time: Tuesday / 09:00 Course Information Class Day/Time: Tuesday / 09:00 Classroom: Research @ Lab. Bldg. #313, Room 404 Instructor: Jeong Goo Kim Office: Research & Lab. Bldg. #313, Room 420 Phone: 510-3733 E-mail: Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 13:50 – 14:50 Homework: Due one week from day assigned (unless otherwise specified) Grading: Attendance: 10 % Homework: 25% Final Exam: 30% Mid Term Exam: 30% Presentation: 5%
Useful References (Books): Course Information Course Objectives Obtain basic concepts on digital signal processing Enlarge the basic concepts to various DSP application areas TEXT E. C. Ifeachor, B. W. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing, A Practical Processing, Addison-Wesley, 1993. Useful References (Books): A.V.Oppenheim & R.W. Scafer, Continuous & Discrete Signals & Systems, Prentice Hall 1989. V. K. Ingle, J. G. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB V.4, ITP, 1997. All the information on this class will be posted at
Useful References (Books): Course Information Course Objectives Obtain basic concepts on digital signal processing Enlarge the basic concepts to various DSP application areas TEXT E. C. Ifeachor, B. W. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing, A Practical Processing, Addison-Wesley, 1993. Useful References (Books): A.V.Oppenheim & R.W. Scafer, Continuous & Discrete Signals & Systems, Prentice Hall 1989. V. K. Ingle, J. G. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB V.4, ITP, 1997. All the information on this class will be posted at
To obtain the maximum result from this course: Course Information To obtain the maximum result from this course: Before coming to the class, read the sections in the textbook to be discussed. As you read, write down any question that arises. Participate in the classroom discussion. Ask the questions which you have identified while reading the textbook. Do the assigned problems right after the class. This tests whether you have adequately digested the material discussed during the class. If you have difficulty in solving the problems, then read the relevant sections in the textbook again. (The explanation in the textbook should make much more sense and should be easier to read during the second-time around because most of the questions which arose during the first-time reading would have been fully answered.) If the difficulty still persists after this, then it is time to come to see me for construction. Form a small study group for discussing the concepts, techniques, and solutions to problems.
Clas Schedule Class Schedule Week Contents Note 1 Introduction 2 Discrete transform 1 3 Discrete transform 2 4 z-transform 1 HW Assignment #1 5 z-transform 2 6 Correlation and convolution 7 Framework for Digital Filter Design HW Assignment #2 8 Midterm Exam. 9 FIR filter 1 10 FIR filter 2 11 IIR filter 1 12 IIR filter 2 HW Assignment #3 13 Multirate DSP 14 Adaptive filter HW Assignment #4 15 Final Exam. Note: Schedule may be changed according to the progress of classwork with notification
Digital Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processing Relationship to other courses Things to do as a graduate student
Homework and Next Lecture Read text book pp. 1-35 After reading Chapter 1, show an example system utilizing digital signal processing technology around your life. Please explain the adopted digital signal processing techniques in detail as possible as you can. Next Lecture Chapter 1. Introduction