2021 Census Dissemination Consultation Presented to members of the Data Liberation Initiative May 8, 2019 1
Overview 2019 Census Test Remaining 2016 Census products User segments The ‘Academia’ User Segment – What we assume Timeliness Accessibility Discoverability Interpretability Initial thoughts towards 2021 2
2019 Census Test The road to the 2021 Census Census Test – May 2019 Test will evaluate the census questionnaire, including new and modified questions for: Education Ethnic origin, population groups and religion Health Immigration and citizenship Indigenous peoples Labour and journey to work Language and minority language of rights holders Sex and gender Veterans For more information, visit: https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/consultation/test2019/index-eng.cfm The Census test helps identify whether proposed census questions allow for timely and relevant data. A sample of approximately 250,000 dwellings and 10,000 agricultural operations across the country have been selected to participate in the 2019 Census Test. The 2019 Census Test data collected will be used to prepare for the 2021 Census 3
Remaining 2016 Census products Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) – Hierarchical File (Summer 2019) Coverage Technical Report (November 13, 2019) Hierarchical File (PUMF) This PUMF product provides access to non-aggregated data covering a sample of 1% of the Canadian households. It is a comprehensive social, demographic, and economic database about Canada and its people and contains a wealth of characteristics on the population. The file enables the study of individuals in relation to their census families, economic families and households. Coverage Technical Report This report will present the error included in census data that results from either persons being missed (not enumerated) or from persons being enumerated more than once by the 2016 Census. 4
User Segments Federal government Provincial government Local government Academia Business Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) General public We have identified 10 broad user segments with 7 key ones. 5
The ‘Academia’ User Segment – What we assume Importance on 5-point scale: Data products (5/5) Reference products (5/5) Less important (5-point scale): Analytical products (3/5) Custom products (1/5) Less important More important Interpretability Discoverability Accessibility Timeliness We currently assume that out of the census product line, our ‘academia’ user segment is most interested in accessing: Data products Reference products We assume currently that the ‘Academia’ user segment is less interested in using/accessing: Analytical products Custom products Is this a fair assumption? When it comes to our pillars (that is, timeliness, discoverability, accessibility and interpretability), we assume that perhaps timeliness is less of a concern to this segment than (1) accessibility, (2) discoverability, (3) interpretability. In the following slides, we would like to discuss and understand your priorities through these four pillars. ‘Academic’ Users 6
If you could have 3 wishes what would they be? If you could ask for anything what would it be? Is there something that is missing from our current product line? 7
Schedule Communication Topics Timeliness Schedule Communication Topics Schedule What information do you require on day-of-release? Do you access day-of-release information? Communication How did you receive notification about the release schedule from 2016? StatCan website? Social media? Other? How would you like to hear about the releases? Schedule/Topics Is the release schedule important to you, or is it more important to simply know the order by which topics are being released? 8
2016 Census of Population Releases There were 6 major releases over the 2016 Census of Population release cycle: Major releases were staggered from February 8, 2017 to November 29, 2017 18-month major release day window Income was released earlier and available from both the short and long form Traditional release approach via the Internet under broad categories for data, analysis, reference, and geography Increase in data visualization products including Census Program Data Viewer (CPDV) Dates of major releases: February 8, 2017: Population and dwelling counts May 3, 2017: Age and sex, type of dwelling August 2, 2017: Families, households and marital status, Language September 13, 2017: Income October 25, 2017: Immigration and ethnocultural diversity, Housing, Aboriginal peoples November 29, 2017: Education, Labour, Journey to work, Language of work, Mobility and migration We disseminated data 6 months faster than in the previous 2011 cycle. The income data from 2A was released earlier in the 2016 cycle (Sept 13 2017). 9
Consumption Customization Preservation Support Accessibility Consumption Customization Preservation Support Consumption Is there a data product that you consistently access? Which product? Customization How do you manipulate the products to serve your needs? (Ex: Load into a database?) Is there any functionality that would make our data products more useful? Are there any calculations that would be of benefit through the data products? For example, ratios, percentages. Would the ability to create your own table be of interest to you if it meant that there would be fewer data tables? This may not be available on day-of-release. What would be your requirements in terms of geography levels and maximum number of data points? Consumption & Preservation Do you take many of our products away (ex: download all PDF reference maps)? Support Are we meeting your needs in terms of support (ex: conceptual questions, availability of file formats, overall support with interpreting and using our products)? 10
2016 Census of Population – Standard Data Products Core of the data product line Census Profile Data Tables Highlight Tables Product downloads – XML, CSV / TAB, Comprehensive CSV / TAB, B2020 (Profile / Data Tables); added web data services to Census Profile Additional interactive products Added Census Program Data Viewer (CPDV) Additional interactive charts in addition to the traditional Age Pyramids Custom Profiles Aboriginal Population Profile Census Profile Standard Error Supplement, Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions (CDs) and aggregate dissemination areas (ADAs) Focus on Geography Series – Aim to expand historical content Public Use Microdata Files (PUMF) 11
2016 Census of Population – Geography products Four main categories of products: Maps, Reference, Spatial, Attribute information Maps GeoSearch – Interactive mapping application Reference maps – PDF format Reference documents Geography catalogue Reference guides Interim list of municipal changes Working papers 12
2016 Census of Population – Geography products Spatial Boundary files – intercensal available at the census subdivision (CSD) level Road Network File Attribute information products GeoSuite – Web version introduced for 2016; downloadable version Geographic Attribute File Correspondence files 13
Discoverability Search Navigation 14 Search Are you able to easily find the data or products you require? Navigation What aspects of navigating within the website do you like? Which do you not like? How do you navigate to our products? Directly from the StatCan site, or for example, search engine keywords (ex: Google)? 14
Proposed new table titles Old New 15
Analysis Reference Technical Interpretability Analysis Reference Technical Analysis Do you need the analytical products to be released at the same time as the data tables? Reference What can we do to our reference products to make them better? If there was an early release of the Census Dictionary, would you need a separate conceptual overview of the topic(s) prior to release? Is it of benefit to know the products and services coming out prior to release? (i.e. Preview of Products and Services, Table shells/table titles) Technical Do you access the technical reports? Is the release timeline of the technical reports important to you, in that they are released after the data is released? 16
2016 Census of Population – Analytical Products Major day-of-release articles / analysis that presented core findings The Daily Census in Brief Supplemental analytical material Infographics – New for 2016 Thematic maps in pdf format Videos 17
2016 Census of Population – Reference Products Prior to Day-of-Release information Products and Services Line Release Concepts and Overview Key Reference Material Census Dictionary Guide to the Census of Population Reference Guides Technical Reports Additional Reference Material Geographic areas not released Population and Dwelling count amendments Questionnaires 18
Initial Thoughts and Comments Towards 2021 Internally building a new tabulation tool in which standard data products may have additional quality indicators Dissemination of standard data products will be through corporate tools DLI experiences with the new corporate tool? 19
Any other ideas? 20
Thank you for your time and feedback! To contact the 2021 Census Dissemination Consultation Team, please email: statcan.censusconsultation-consultationrecensement.statcan@canada.ca 21