December 19th at 10:30 am
Docupace Case Study: American Fund Held Direct Upcoming Webinars Tech Talk January 8th Microsoft Excel Heartland Huddle January 9th Docupace Case Study: American Fund Held Direct Study Group January 17 Riskalyze
Training & Communication Specialist Who’s on the Call Stoyan Petev Sarah Molitor FHC Vice President of Advance Case Design FHC Training & Communication Specialist
Agenda Most Popular FIA Most Popular Vas Accumulation FIAs Flex Premium Annuities SPDAs Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefits
Objective Review cutting edge annuity strategies, products and riders that are often overlooked by financial advisors.
Most Popular FIAs YTD Allianz 222 360 Core Income 7 American Equity Asset Shield Income Shield Great American American Legend 7 Safe Return Landmark 5 Nationwide New Heights
Most Popular VAs YTD Jackson National Perspective II Elite Access Pacific Life Choice VA AIG Polaris III Lincoln ChoicePlus Prudential Defined Income Annuity
Interesting Accumulation FIAs Reliance Standard Keystone 5 & 7 A+ rated company Great renewal history Excellent caps (6.65% APP & 49% PR on K7) EquiTrust MarketValue Index Flex Premium 55% Par Strategy, no cap Integrity Indextra 7 or 10 107% guarantee on the 7, 110% on the 10 Excellent for older ages – no commission reduction
Interesting Flex Premium Annuities Ameritas Compass FIA (8-year surrender charge) A Rated Mutual Company, great renewal history Low minimums to start 3 Index Options Great renewal history Optional GMWB True-up feature No rolling surrender Cincinnati Life FPDA Guaranteed ROP 9-year surrender schedule No rolling surrender ANICO WQ Citadel 7 7 Year Surrender
Interesting SPDAs Ameritas SPDA No MVA Guaranteed ROP Bail-Out Feature 4 Rate Bands 7-Year Surrender Charge Integrity SPDA No MVA Guaranteed ROP 7-Year Surrender Charge
Interesting GMWBs AIG Protector Plus Income 7- or 10-year surrender options 7.5% Step-Up Guaranteed double in 10 years Guaranteed RISING income for the first 10 years Protective Income Builder FIA 7-year Surrender 8% Simple Rollup Level or Guaranteed Rising Income Lincoln i4Life Indexed Advantage SPIA-like Annuitization 3% Benchmark Index Rate for ages <54, 4% ages 55+, for increasing income option Great planning opportunity in the NQ space: Trusts Annuities with low cost basis Lower tax Corporate-owned Loss recapture, etc.