Campus Curricula Committee Report September 20, 2012 Announcements Daniel Tauritz was re-elected by the Campus Curricula Committee as chair for 2012-2013 The Campus Curricula Committee meeting dates for Fall Semester 2012 have been posted on the Registrar’s web page at:
Campus Curricula Committee Report September 20, 2012 Announcements (continued) To provide the campus with more detailed information on the curriculum forms being approved by the CCC, they will, starting with FS2012, be scanned after final CCC edit and incorporated in the CCC minutes as posted on the Registrar’s CCC meetings page; the CCC report to Faculty Senate will accordingly only list the approved form numbers and refer to the posted scanned forms for details.
Campus Curricula Committee Report September 20, 2012 1 Degree Change (DC) form DC 0423 – Add elective for the Power and Energy emphasis area of the BS in Electrical Engineering 4 Course Change (CC) forms 3 Experimental Course (EC) forms (informational only) The Campus Curricula Committee moves for the approval of this report’s DC and CC forms.